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Manatee FAQ: Protection
The use of prop guards has been suggested as a way to reduce manatee mortality for several years. But prop guards alone are not a solution. The majority ... kills. If prop guards were made mandatory along with additional boat speed zones, an adequate enforcement effort, and enhanced habitat protection, they would serve a useful purpose. However, prop guards alone would ...
Save The Redwoods/Boycott The Gap: A Mother's Day Action for Mother Earth and Sweatshop Mothers Everywhere
County. The group brought in a huge redwood stump as a prop. Shoppers at the store had to get past security guards, who closed the doors to keep out protesters. The event ...
Beaver, Castor canadensis, damage management and control information
The prominent tail is flattened dorsoventrally, scaled, and almost hairless. It is used as a prop while the beaver is sitting upright (Fig. 3) and for a rudder when swimming. Beavers ... drain or a structural device such as wire mesh culverts (Roblee 1983) or T-culvert guards (Roblee 1987) will occasionally cause beavers to move to other areas. They all prevent beavers ...
Chardin: Travels in Persia Seventeen
Body, for they never meet. They have neither Guards, nor Visitors, but some few Customs only, which the Head of the Trade Causes to ... in the World is made. Take Notice here, that throughout the Kingdom they do not prop their Vines, because the Stocks of them are very large, being about eight Inches Diameter ...