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Alternative Agriculture Policy
Protecting small farmers' livelihoods must be ensured by the National Agricultural Policy. * Most Indians ... seeds, privatisation of water and undoing of land reforms, transfer precious resources to corporate control and undermine the resource sovereignty of producers. * The freedom and right to produce ...
Suicide Seeds - Terminator
Gene flow is still possible from Terminator crops because the crops will still produce pollen and because the Terminator gene might not work every time." In fact, while there ... , but there is no rationale for this recommendation since no 'further studies' will make the suicide seeds less suicidal," noted Silvia Ribeiro of RAFI. Despite a growing list of national governments that ...
hybrid vs open pollinated seeds
In India hundreds of farmers have committed suicide due ... shape. These seeds are dynamic, that is they mutate and adapt to the local ecosystem, as opposed to modern hybrids, which are static. Commercial breeders lack the incentive to produce new open ...
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Untitled Document
Farmers select, save and exchange the best seeds from ... Seeds, Pro-Agro, Novartis, Aventis, monopolise the seed and seek to criminalise seed saving and exchange by farmers. Giant seed companies like Monsanto enslave farmers and drive them to suicide ... yatras in your region. Boycott hybrid seeds, genetically engineered seeds and agrichemicals. Form seed sovereignty watch ...
Millions Against Monsanto Campaign - Organic Consumers Association
GE seeds and having a weak crop, more than 100 Indian farmers committed suicide in the last year. (Read ... Corn Investment in Thailand 6/15 - Monsanto & PBS Team Up to Produce Nationwide TV Program on Rural America 6/15 - Monsanto May ... Giant Seed Company 1/21 - Monsanto Still Suing Farmers for Saving Seeds 1/19 - Monsanto & Biotech Bullies Buying Out Academic Institutions 1/19 ...
Terminated: The UN Upholds a Moratorium on Terminator Seeds
Brazil. Terminator refers to the genetic engineering of plants to produce sterile seeds. The six-year UN moratorium was under serious threat at the CBD meetings, due ... experts warned that "suicide seeds" threaten global food security and the livelihoods of over 1.4 billion people, mostly in the developing world, who depend on farmer-saved seeds as their primary seed ...
International News on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture - 1999/06/04
It also condemns 'suicide seeds' that contain a terminator gene which makes the next generation of seeds sterile, forcing farmers to buy new seed every year. ... approval from the government last September. "Starting today (Monday) they can produce and sell five varieties of Roundup Ready seeds," said spokesman Tito Matos de Souza. "I do not have any ...
Say No To GMOs! - 2006 Updates
Energy Crisis Unusual Livestock Deaths Blamed on Bt Cotton Genetically Engineered Crops May Produce Herbicide Inside Our Intestines Contamination from Gene-altered Crop Trials Poses Unappreciated ... GM Seeds Biotech Foods: David Versus Goliath Don't Sell "Suicide Seeds", Activists Warn In Curitiba Terminator Seeds Suffer Defeat at Global Biodiversity Conference Take Action to Stop Terminator Seeds ...
Say No To GMOs! - March 2006b
Maria Rita Reis, with the Brazilian NGO Terra de Direitos. GURTS, as Terminator technologies are referred to in the Convention on Biological Diversity, produce "suicide seeds" or "homicide seeds ... Wheat Closer Weed-resistant Alfalfa Sterile Seed Controversy David vs Goliath (Curitiba) "Suicide Seeds" 2006 monthly news January February March April May June July August ...
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Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?
Pharmaceuticals Medicines and vaccines often are costly to produce and sometimes require special storage conditions not readily available in third world countries. Researchers ... suicide gene" into GM plants. These plants would be viable for only one growing season and would produce sterile seeds that do not germinate. Farmers would need to buy a fresh supply of seeds ...
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