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EarthRights International - ERI Calls on Oil and Gas Industry to Help Stop Violence in Burma
The international community, including multinational corporations, must act now to prevent further bloodshed in Burma. The people have suffered profoundly for too long—they have already ... military government in gas export projects, have shown no sign of trying to prevent further bloodshed. Instead, Daewoo International and the Thai gas company PTTEP initially announced plans to ...
US Complicity in Pushing Aside Aristide - Opinion Forum - Global Policy Forum
(February 29) to do the statesman-like thing and fly out of Haiti to prevent further bloodshed and chaos in that troubled country, rather than tenaciously hold on to power until February ...
Bangladesh Strife: Crimes against children, women, and minorities
All the gods and religions joined together cannot prevent bloodshed unless we sincerely commit to establish a secular and multicultural society. Even then ... strength particularly in protecting minorities.” – Dr. R. Ghosh ***** January 11, 2005 – Berkeley, California Further reading: IIBB website: Peter Blood’s (Archer Blood's ...
McConnell Essays 1959
These principal enemies we name for world wide destruction: FEAR -- We ... possible measure of freedom and order and to forever prevent the scourge of war. As a light to inspire great action, we further request that our government and the United Nations approve ...
ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
Consumers should demand that the products they buy are clean in the sense that no bloodshed or environmental destruction should be involved in their production. Labelling of products, like the FSC ... diamond industry, first steps have been taken to prevent trade in these products from conflict areas. There is an urgent need for further information sharing and data collection in order to determine ...
The Legend of Gog and Magog
With pestilence and bloodshed I will enter into judgment with him; and I will ... asiceton, and whatever fires which touched it were instantaneously quenched. And further, Alexander built a mighty wall spanning the entire Caucasus range, ... darkness. And I thought of all manner of contrivances to prevent them from issuing forth from the great mountains into which ...