presidential decree

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Results 1 - 10 from 18 for presidential decree in 0.307 sec.

LEAD International
National Planning and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The project had led into a presidential decree to band certain pesticides widely used in the country, and the method of IPM was ...

Tropical timber import export Africa Asia volume Congo Ghana Guinea China IMF France
It is understood that the group has been allocated at least one concession by Presidential Decree. Presumably this presidential interest enables concessionaires to operate outside the law. Perhaps this is why, with the ... should be invested in the Forest Fund has been diverted by a Prime Minister's decree. China's interest in Congo is logs - not in processed timber - with which to supply ...

IELRC.ORG - The Doha declaration of the WTO and access to medecine
US in WTO, Brazil also enacted a decree on compulsory licensing[14]. This decree established rules concerning the granting of compulsory licenses in cases of national ... the WTO Doha Ministerial Declaration’, 5 Journal World Intellectual Property Rights 4 (2002). Brazil: Presidential Decree on Compulsory Licensing, Decree No. 3,201, 6 Oct. 1999. home ¦ about ¦ staff ¦ ...

LEAD Indonesia: Leadership for Environment and Development Training Program
Presidential Decree that banned more than 80 brand of pesticide. The second project produced a working model ...

Local Residents - Batangas, Philippines
Balayan Church rests is not considered part of the historical landmark designation covered by presidential decrees and republic laws. Therefore the Catholic Diocese of Batangas and McDonald’s has the ... classifying the church as an historic structure, and its area as an historic site. Under Presidential Decree No. 1586, without the clearance of the NHI, the DENR cannot lawfully issue an ECC ...

Banned Pesticides Heavily Used in Third World
This followed a brownhopper outbreak that seriously damaged the country's rice crop and set ...

Friends of the Earth: Upcoming Actions
Freeport in Papua must be reevaluated. The President must immediately provide a mandate via a Presidential Decree to form an Independent Panel. This panel should be made up of experts in law ...

nssd sustainable development strategies: Burkina Faso
The cooperative and pre-cooperative societies are also regulated by a Presidential decree. Moreover, the government has established a Bureau for the Follow-up of NGOs (BSONG ... concerning the application of forestry, and environmental codes; the finalisation and adoption of the decree providing for the organisation and operation of CONAGESE in July 1998; the elabouration of ...

Bioreg Ed Reports 2, 2007
Raisa, also talked about how one of the current problems in Ecuador is a new Presidential decree that allows for the hunting of sharks. The other group presented on the continental waters ...

Indonesia Background
English, the language of business and commerce. 250 regional languages. Political Parties: A presidential decree of January 1960 allows the president to dissolve any party whose ideology runs counter to ...

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