president havel

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Okno Group - E/W Letter article - Czechoslovakia's Velvet Divorce
Slovakia) are openly regretful of the coming split. Many, including former Czechoslovak president Vaclav Havel, are hopeful that politicians will be able to forge a new governmental system, ... leadership of President Havel and then finance minister Vaclav Klaus, the recently elected premiere of the Czech lands, Czechoslovakia asserted its desire to move quickly into the European order; Havel held ...

EarthRights International - President Vaclav Havel Calls for Publicity and Pressure for Human Rights Reforms in Burma
White House and government officials, United Nations personnel, NGOs and activists from Burma, President Havel, Ka Hsaw Wa and filmmaker Milena Kaneva led a panel discussion on the current ... and to see the devastating impacts of natural resource exploitation and life under military rule. President Havel opened the panel discussion following the film with words of inspiration for people in ...

Articles by John McConnell - INDEX
Suggestions for individuals, organizations or small groups.” IF I WERE PRESIDENT “If I were President I would use “the bully pulpit” to wake up America and ... whole world to affirm a common hope for the future.” PRESIDENT HAVEL - EARTH DAY “Fax from President Havel to John McConnell March 20, 1990.” QUESTIONS PUT TO ...

Pavel Fischer - Office of the President - Czech Republic - Endorsement of the GENI Initiative by Governments/Countries - Index - Global Energy Network Institute - GENI is the highest priority objective of the World Game, by R. Buckminster Fuller
A. 8 August 2000, Prague KPR JN4132/2000 Dear Mr. Meisen, On behalf of President Vaclav Havel I would like to thank you for your letter dated 19 July 200, the enclosures ... for further information regarding the integration of electrical power grids. As you are probably aware, President Havel is a strong advocate of renewable energy resources and strategies which promote peaceful integration. Thank ...

Okno: Czech Facts & Figures
Government Parlilamentary republic -- president, prime minister elected by parliament Head of State: President Vaclav Havel (since 26 January 1993) Prime Minister: Josef Tosovsky leads a caretaker ...

Middlebury and Theatre following a performance of a variety of scenes at the President's house.     "Nationally recognized language, writing, and THEATRE programs..." The ... the complex form of thinking known as the Theatre. At right: "The Memorandum," by Vaclav Havel. Directed by Richard Romagnoli, Spring 2003. ©Stan Barouh photo Students Alumni Faculty & Staff Donors ...

EarthRights International - Documentary about Doe v. Unocal Wins Vaclav Havel Award at One World Film Festival
Milena Kaneva, director of the film Total Denial and winner of the Vaclav Havel Award at the One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival. The film was ... for the special prize by Vaclav Havel, world renowned author, dramatist, poet, political dissident, and the first Czechoslovak president after the Velvet Revolution. Vaclav Havel presented Ms. Kaneva with the award ...

Latest Solar Energy News -
Brandenburg on the Havel that is currently being constructed by Johanna Solar Technology. This is scheduled to start production ... undertaken a rigorous process to find the right strategic partner for Orion," said Michael Haas, President, Orion Energy. "We chose BP because of the company's long-standing commitment to find ...

Welcome to the New Jersey Astronomical Association
(Chamber of Deputies and Senate) and was signed into law by President Vaclav Havel on February 27, 2002. It takes effect June 1, 2002, and addresses light and ...

Europe on the Matrix: Prague, Czech Republic
Communist regime. In December the writer Václav Havel, a dissident and non-Communist, was named by parliament to be the country's new president. The transition to non-Communist rule occurred ...

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