president ellen johnson sirleaf

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bushmeat blog
Logging resumes in Liberia(7/17/2006) As former US president Bill Clinton arrives in Liberia to meet with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, it's time to take a look at the state of ...

Roshini Thinakaran, Filmmaker Information, Facts, News, Photos -- National Geographic
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf; a mother of six who lost everything during the civil war; and a doctor who ...

Volunteering for Plenty
Liberia is experiencing growth with optimism, our new leadership, lead by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf brings much hope for the future. IHI is looking forward to sustaining our programs, turning ...

Mitt Romney of Massachusetts will present awards inspired by the Olympic Truce to President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of Liberia, President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, Mr. Peter Ueberroth of the U.S. Olympic ... . The event is being underwritten by the Business Council for International Understanding, whose President and CEO, Mr. Peter Tichansky is Member of ICAF Advisory Board. The International ...

Plenty Bulletin
I went in January 2006, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf had just been elected. People could barely confine their enthusiasm and the optimism that peace and a good president would bring prosperity. The Peacekeepers’ ... job of not stealing the resources, and instead investing in rebuilding and integrity under President Johnson-Sirleaf, but it has so little money. With Lebanese businessmen now forced to pay the ...

Conservation International - Liberia
To ensure that happens, a 2006 law adopted under President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf aims to protect certain forests from development while regulating others for both community benefit and ...

Liberia -- Habitat for Humanity Int'l
Northern Liberia. Peace was only achieved in 2003. The then President, Charles Taylor was also accused of backing rebels in the bloody conflict which was ... democratic elections which led to the election of Africa’s first female Head of State, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, in 2005. Although the political crisis has diminished, the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) ...