prefrontal cortex

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Results 1 - 3 from 3 for prefrontal cortex in 0.112 sec.

The Human Brain - Proteins
HT2A receptors in the brain – particularly in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus – even though none of the participants were suffering from depression.3 Receptors ... , observed a patient suffering from damage to Wernicke's area (the region in the left cortex that controls the understanding of language). Functional MRI showed that the brain initially recouped by ...

The Human Brain - Watch Your Head
Damage – Study Once in the brain, lead-induced damage occurs primarily in the prefrontal cortex , cerebellum, and hippocampus . It adversely affects many biological activities at the molecular, cellular, and ... is called myelination and continues into a person's mid-twenties. Myelination of the prefrontal cortex is especially slow. Lead damages myelin and that is why lead-induced myelin damage ... More from this site

Robert Gilman - The Learning Process
MacLean's terms, neocortex outward, prefrontal cortex and limbic, left brain inward, and right brain inward). These individual characteristics determine our ... the old mammal wants belongingness and sensual pleasure, the neocortex is curious, and the prefrontal cortex wants wholeness and integration. Each level can aid or impede your ability to ...