precipitation gauge

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Results 1 - 10 from 15 for precipitation gauge in 0.212 sec.

Met One - In the News
Near each tower is located a weighing precipitation gauge and associated windshield. Precipitation data is recorded every 15 minutes, along with hourly observations, which are collected ...

How does our Weather Station Work?
Fourth, we have a precipitation gauge at ground level next to a National Weather Service Cooperative Observers precipitation gauge. Since most of our precipitation occurs in the winter, we need to be ... North Latitude, 119° 07' 10.092" West Longitude, in the Pacific Time Zone. The annual precipitation is about 12 inches, and most of that falls as snow during the winter. Generally ...

Fischer-Porter precipitation gauge sun-scorch marks on the cardboard strips of the Campbell-Stokes recorder. Seal examines minute ...

NADP Pluvio/RMM - OTT Meteorological Stations - HACH ENVIRONMENTAL
Precipitation Weighing Gauge NADP Pluvio/RMM OTT NADP Pluvio/Remote Monitoring Module (RMM) The OTT NADP Pluvio all-weather weighing precipitation gauge accurately and reliably measures liquid and solid precipitation ...

CRU Information Sheet no. 15: UK Rainfall
From Maraun et al., 2008. Summer Figure 6: Summer trends (given by the size of the dots - see the key on each panel) in the total precipitation, the ... been overlaid. The different colours depict periods with different rain gauge coverage. From Maraun et al., 2008. Autumn In autumn, total precipitation increased over most parts of the UK during the 1961 ...

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Still, it's only 1°. It may help to think ... has wrought major impacts in the past. So it is with global temperature. A useful gauge of the impact of a change of a few degrees in global mean temperature can ...

Electrostatic Precipitator Collecting Electrode - Hamon Research-Cottrell
Electrode The "G" Opzel™ collecting electrode incorporates Hamon Research-Cottrell's traditional Optimum Precipitation Zone ELectrode design, which provides quiescent zones to aide particulate collection and reduce ... plate was attached directly to the thin gauge collecting plate sheet material. The "G" Opzel™ has only heavy gauge to heavy gauge welded plate at its support connection virtually ...

Electrostatic Precipitator Discharge Electrode - Hamon Research-Cottrell
Hamon ... need replacement. Pipe and Spike. Pipe & spike discharge electrodes are formed from 2" diameter, 16 gauge tubing. Each discharge electrode is attached to the high voltage support frame by a single ... More from this site

Met One Instruments - Meteorology
Shield Relative Humidity 083D Temperature/Relative Humidity Probe Barometric Pressure 092 Barometric Pressure Gauge Solar Radiation Solar Radiation Sensors Precipitation 370/380 Series Calibration Equipment 045B 053 OEM and Special Application SensorsMet ...

Weather -- Forecasting
Some more familiar ones are thermometers which measure air temperature, anemometers which gauge wind speeds, and barometers which provide information on air pressure. These instruments allow meteorologists ... 's principle to weather radar. Using Doppler radar, meteorologists can get a picture of precipitation that allows them to track a storm's progress over time. [Back to "Forecasting"] ...