prairie dog populations

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Results 1 - 10 from 40 for prairie dog populations in 0.266 sec.

NMPIF Grassland 1
(K. Havstaad pers. comm.) Prairie dog control: Burrowing Owls depend on burrows created by prairie dogs and they can be an important food source for wintering raptors such as Golden Eagles and Ferruginous Hawks. Managers should refrain from controlling prairie dog populations whenever possible ...

NMPIF Grassland 2
Petring-Rupp 1997)." Prairie dog control: Prairie dogs currently inhabit a small percentage of their historic range. Burrowing Owls largely depend on burrows created by prairie dogs. They can also be an important food source for raptors such as Golden Eagles, Ferruginous Hawks, and in New Mexico, Bald Eagles. Managers should refrain from controlling prairie dog populations ... More from this site

Welcome to Environmental Review - Archives - 2004
They hunt prairie dogs almost exclusively; they also use prairie dog burrows, with a little remodeling, as their homes. Prairie dogs are ... conversion. Black-footed ferrets are vulnerable to distemper and plague, which exist in the prairie dog populations. Hypersensitivity to these diseases may be part of the normal biology of ferrets or ...

Threats to Prairie Dogs
Poisoning has greatly reduced prairie dog populations. In the 1920s, approximately 32 million acres of prairie dogs were poisoned in the United States. 12* Ranchers who believe myths that prairie dogs interfere ...

Myths: Facts and Fiction about Prairie Dogs
MYTH: Prairie Dogs Spread the Plague In fact, prairie dogs rarely transmit plague to humans. This disease does pose a significant threat to prairie dog populations. Because prairie dogs lack immunity to plague, a plague epizootic will kill almost 100 percent of a population. Prairie dogs usually die within ... More from this site

RANGE - Spring 2002 - Dogs of the Prairie
Far from being a pesky varmint, the prairie dog is a “keystone” species, one on which a host of other species depend for sustenance; (2) Prairie dogs ... the problem with prairie dogs is they don’t practice birth control. In the four years since the original flap, there has been a major increase in prairie dog populations in the county as ...

Mammal Populations of the Colorado Plateau
Black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) The activities of the black-tailed prairie dog–grazing and construction of burrows and mounds–and, by association its chief predator, ... efforts are now underway to reintroduce the species into some prairie dog colonies. 20th-century management of deer and elk populations for game hunting and continued trapping of carnivores (including ...

National Geographic: Lewis & Clark—Animals—Prairie Rattlesnake
Prairie Rattlesnake SHOWING RECORD: 6 of 17   Prairie Rattlesnake Photograph by W. Perry Conway/Corbis Prairie Rattlesnake Crotalus viridis June 15, 1805, Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana. Usually greenish to brownish (some populations ... , talus slopes, and prairie dog towns. Extreme western Iowa to the Rockies, southern Alberta to northern Mexico. The prairie rattlesnake, which occupies a ...

Prairie Dog Coalition - Mexican Prairie Dog
The prairie dog: Sentinel of the Plains. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock. McCullough, D.A., and R.K. Chesser. 1987. Genetic-variation among populations of the Mexican prairie dog. Journal of Mammalogy 68:555-560. Mellink, E., and H. Madrigal. 1993. Ecology of Mexican prairie dogs (Cynomys mexicanus) in ...

Prairie Dog Coalition - Utah Prairie Dog
After widespread mortality from introduced plague in several major populations was hindered, ... extinction risks in spatially isolated rodent populations. Ecology Letters 2:11-13. Stebbins, G.J. 1971. The current and present status of the Utah prairie dog in Bryce Canyon. Bryce Canyon ... More from this site

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