pounds annually

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The Oceanic Resource Foundation: Underwater Photography / Marine Conservation
However, 40 percent of the nation's surveyed rivers, streams and lakes ... shrimp exclusively. After two years, supplies of certified turtle-safe shrimp have reached 3 million pounds annually and shrimper participation has increased to 125 vessels. While meeting with shrimpers this summer, ...

The Oceanic Resource Foundation: Underwater Photography / Marine Conservation
The average size of swordfish has gone from 300-400 pounds to 90 pounds. The swordfish caught today ... shrimp exclusively. After two years, supplies of certified turtle-safe shrimp have reached 3 million pounds annually and shrimper participation has increased to 125 vessels. While meeting with shrimpers this summer, ... More from this site

Coalition for Clean Air - News - Press Releases - Archives
With this historic settlement, 40 million pounds of pollution each year will disappear from our skies and ... This will achieve reductions of 57 tons per day (or 40 million pounds annually) of emission reductions in 2010. Some of the measures proposed ... by an additional 25 tons per day, or 18 million pounds per year. This program will replace the measure previously included ...

Carpet | Product Stewardship | Wastes | EPA
Recycling: 20 to 25 percent, or at least 1.4 billion to 1.7 billion pounds annually by 2012. Cement kilns: (use of recovered carpet as an alternative fuel source and as an additive in cement production): 3 percent, or 200 million pounds annually by 2012. Waste-to-energy: 1 percent, or 67 million pounds annually by 2012. The ...

A Day At The Races
The mountains of fish guts piling up next to the fish processing plants, the leftovers from the dairy, poultry and beef industry, our food production waste, hundreds of millions of pounds annually ... with a ponytail. "It takes one pound of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to grow three pounds of cotton for one T-shirt and a pair of jeans!(3) Boll weevils, thrips ...

International and Australia Page of OCA's Stop Food Irradiation Project
City, Vietnam, for irradiating fish, and in Bangkok, Thailand, for 200 million pounds of fruit, flowers, and vegetables annually, primarily for export. February 14, 2002: The governments of Thailand, Vietnam, ... world's second largest chicken producer. Its fruit and vegetable market uses over 84 billion pounds annually, according to United Nations' FAO. June 29, 2001: Saudi Arabia plans to build a ...

Pollution Prevention: Putting Sewage Treatment Plants in the Vanguard, by Laura Orlando
The only way to deal with them in the context of wastewater treatment is to ...

EcoIQ Magazine Spring 1999 Features
TRI reports will be added to the existing 71,000 reports submitted annually. EPA has found that each chemical being proposed meets the criteria for chronic human and ... pounds annually or use more than 10,000 pounds annually of the chemical. These high thresholds severely limit the reporting of PBTs. Under the new proposal, thresholds would be lowered to 100 pounds or 10 pounds ...

UK millions of pounds annually in clean up costs. MCS has run the Adopt-A-Beach and Beachwatch campaigns against ...

Beach litter impacts on wildlife, and costs the UK millions of pounds in annual clean up costs. Results from the MCS Beachwatch litter surveys indicate that, over ... and boat propeller entanglement. It also costs UK taxpayers and beach managers many millions of pounds annually in clean-up and disposal. Click here for more information about beach litter and the ... More from this site

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