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RONCO: RONCO in the News
Crates and other containers indicate the stuff was manufactured in the former Soviet Union, Pakistan ...
It is ... bombs which are designed to explode on impact. A variety of other ordnance may also be used. An estimated total of 135 MK-82 live 500 pound (#) bombs, 50 MK-83 live 1000# bombs, 36 MK-84 live 2000# bombs, 180 BDU-4S inert bombs, and 984 MK-76 inert bombs ...
South Pacific Solidarity (Do or Die)
Grosvenor Square round the corner! Four months later Benny escapes from jail. Paint Bombs (08/10/02) Toyota are responsible for logging in West Papua, a position that marks ... aid to radicals abroad. In the Majority World you definitely get more punch for the pound. This is not charity - just one weapon of solidarity we have available to us in ...
Desert Survivors - Experience. Share. Protect. Just Deserts
Beyond the thicket, some members of our party have ... concluded that Nevada -- that unvalued kingdom of untamed mustangs and unreined atomic bombs -- was the best place to experience wildness and solitude. Two years ... make your own well anywhere there's mesquite. With a ten-pound sledge, you drive a pipe with a sharp end into ...
Ecotecture | Major Doug Rokke interview | Depleted Uranium Munitions
It’s currently being used in bunker-buster bombs and anti-tank penetrator missiles. The Pentagon swears by its effectiveness ... by the A10 warthog aircraft is approximately 3/4 of a pound for each individual round, and the A10 can fire it at ... these detonations have also verified that uranium was contained in these bombs. And then the other thing, too, is when you watch them ...
Ecotecture | Major Doug Rokke interview | Depleted Uranium Munitions
United States can possess even a half-pound of solid uranium-238. They cannot dispose of even a half-pound of solid uranium-238 in any location other than ... Vieques, the government and wire stories state, well, it’s all about dropping a few bombs off the target. Well, yeah, that happened too but that was total carelessness. But what ...
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Magpie bird control and bird management
They have black beaks and no eye ... ignited. Typical pyrotechnics are shellcrackers, rope firecrackers, and racket and whistle bombs. These can be purchased from suppliers, but some states require ... economical, easier to carry, and allows reports and whistle and racket bombs to be shot. The variety seems to be more effective ...
Legacy of Uranium Mining on Native American Land
Western uranium boom answered a call in 1948 for domestic uranium stockpiles for atomic bombs. By the 1970s, demand plants was picking up for nuclear power plants. Then there was ... nuclear. Now, the spot price for milled uranium yellowcake has jumped sharply to $52 a pound after bottoming out at $7 in 2001. Higher prices have motivated thousands to snatch up ...
Judi Bari Interview 7: The FBI Bomb School Connection
Framing nails. And you were carrying them because? JUDI ... -- "these are terrorists, these are the type of people who carry bombs" -- to get people, with just a wink and a nod, to ... to an L-P clearcut. where they blew up cars with pipe bombs and practiced responding. They blew up three cars. Each using different ...
Ch. 2: Warnings and Communications - Nuclear War Survival Skills
But by the time its overpressure has decreased to 1 pound per square inch (psi), a blast wave and its thunderous sound have slowed down and ... have been spared because missiles malfunctioned or missed are likely to be destroyed by nuclear bombs dropped during the first several days after the first attack. Most people should stay inside ...