potential pest species

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Division of Environmental Quality
Some of the key components to a successful IPM program include the following: Identify current and potential pest species, their biology, and conditions conducive to the pest(s) (air ... of pests and their natural enemies. Conserve natural enemies. Prevent, Avoid, and Monitor potential pest species. Establish “Action Thresholds” (such as a certain number of pests per acre) ...

APHIS Raleigh Plant Protection Center
Plant Health Inspection Service Invasive species may pose a significant threat to agricultural areas and/or to non-cultivated ecological systems. Being aware of these potential problem species will enable the scientific and ... to North America but have entered this region.

IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)/Features
Foa. This species is a prolific seed producer and can form dense thickets. It is invasive in French Polynesia and is beginning to naturalize in Tonga. It has the potential to become ... weedy species. However, the good news is that Tonga is free of a number of serious pest species, including: The rubber trees Castilla elastica (Panama rubber tree) and Funtumia elastica (African rubber tree), species ...

Rideau Canal Waterway - The Pest Page
Mussels visit: Exotic Species and the Boater. For more information on the Zebra Mussel visit: Minnesota Sea Grant - Zebra Mussels Gypsy Moth The Gypsy Moth is a destructive pest which, when in ... beaver will only reconstruct the dam. In addition, you should be aware of the flood potential removing the dam may cause. Your downstream neighbors may not appreciate having several thousand gallons ...

Eleutherodactylus coqui (Amphibians-Frogs) - HEAR species info
Eleutherodactylus coqui (Amphibians-Frogs) coqui (frog) HEAR home > species info > vertebrates > Eleutherodactylus coqui (Amphibians-Frogs) (hints) Featured items Species description or overview Identification Taxonomy & nomenclature Pest alerts Impacts Control methods Biocontrol (potential ...

Report on invasive species in Micronesia
At the 1998 Pacific Heads of Forestry meeting, ... More from this site

Preventative pest control
Recognition of this situation has led to the development of integrated pest management (IPM), an ... contain sufficient feedback loops in the form of natural controls such that if a potential pest population began to increase, it would soon be repressed because of the constant availability ...

Pest control in sustainable agriculture
History of our relationship with agricultural pests Moore (1967) has divided our past relationships with potential crop pests ... bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. Flooding pest populations with sterile or genetically incompatible males has proved effective for controlling certain pest species, particularly for isolated populations. Efforts to ... More from this site

Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council's 2007 List of Invasive Plant Species
Dis.): N = north; C = central; S = south; referring to each species' current distribution in general regions of Florida (not its potential range in the state). Please refer to the adjacent map. Category ... ear II N, C, S Citation example: FLEPPC. 2007. List of Florida's Invasive Species. Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council. Internet: The 2007 list was ...

Interdiction - Research and Management Priorities for Aquatic Invasive Species in the Great Lakes
North America as part of routine surveillance programs to prevent nonindigenous pest species arriving as hitchhikers. At present, no similar interdiction programs exist to evaluate risk posed ... in recent years originate from Eurasia, an interdiction program based on risk assessment of potential invader organisms may prove useful. Genetic surveys play a useful role in identification of ...

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