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Ion Exchange - Sagittaria latifolia - Common Arrowhead
Family - "Common Arrowhead, Broadleaf Arrowhead, Arrowhead, Duck Potato, Indian Onion, Katniss, Swamp Potato, Swan Potato, Tule Potato, Tule Root, Wapatoo, Water Nut, Wapato, White Potato" Sagittaria is from the Latin word meaning "arrow- ... . The Native American word for this plant locally was wapsi-piniuk meaning "white potato"; they grow prolifically along the "Wapsi". As an example of how to live ...
FINL Vol. 7, No. 3 Insect Foods of the American Indians
They gave us some that were cooked, they tasted like a sweet potato. They also offered us some dried crickets but those were declined, thinking they would not ... : "We saw many Indians on the Humboldt, especially towards the sink. There were many Tule marshes. The tule is a rush, large, but here not very tall. It was generally completely covered ...