possesses attributes

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Pollution UpDate 11.19.99
No portion of the T.C. watershed possesses attributes that qualify for Special Protection Watershed Program on the basis of threatened or endangered ... species of special concern in our original application.) "No portion of the T.C. basin possesses attributes indicative of ecological or recreational significance." (We told about High Rocks and the other ...

The Hawk by Brett Donaldson
In a different way the Hawk possesses faith, it trusts in the Tao as I do. For the Hawk and I the ... stranger to. There are also the metaphors of the Hawks as being tenacious, using their attributes such as their talons to hold on, keen sight and judgement and their patient hovering ...

Screening of cowpea, bambara groundnut and AMARANTHUS germplasm for drought tolerance and testing of the selected plant material in participatation with targeted communities
Usually a combination of these attributes is present in crops that produce good yields under drought conditions. In environments where water ... the water retention, were smaller leaves and a more upright growth form. IT96D-602 also possesses a more extensive root system than the other lines, which helps with water uptake. The ...

Sapium sebiferum
Seed meal, left after the extraction of oil, possesses a high content of protein, and is a valuable feed and fertilizer. It can be ... , 1981). Rapidity of coppicing, taproot production, drought and salt tolerance, and rapid growth rate are attributes leading Scheld and Cowels (1981) to regard the tree as a promising biomass candidate (in ...

Green Cafeterias | Environmentally Preferable Purchasing | US EPA
Purchasing Publications Case Studies Green Cafeterias Green Cafeterias At a Glance Environmental Attributes: Permanent china and stainless steel serviceware minimizes generation of waste Monetary ... coffee mugs, further reducing the general waste steam Starch-based cafeteria ware possesses several environmental characteristics: • made mostly from starch • compostable • biodegradable • uses less ...

IASC Foundation XBRL - Glossary
URI"; Examples: xmlns="" ...