pore gas

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Results 1 - 10 from 20 for pore gas in 0.265 sec.

Acid Mine Drainage at the Nickel Rim Mine Tailings
The diffusion of gas-phase O2 into the unsaturated zone has caused the oxidation of sulfide minerals (pricipally pyrrhotite) in the shallow tailings. Pore water within the impoundment ... 10 piezometers each, in and around the tailings impoundment. Detailed measurements of pore water chemistry, pore gas composition, tailings mineralogy and hydraulic parameters were made at these nests. Geochemical ...

Menardi: Information [Filtration Glossary - p]
The size and irregular path of a pore determines the removal efficiency of a membrane. PORE SIZE The equivalent diameter of the smallest part of any channel through ... , measured as gauge pressure (psig, bar g). PRESSURE DROP A measure of the resistance the gas stream encounters as it flows through the baghouse. May refer to pressure differential across the ...

Menardi: Information [Filtration Glossary - s]
AREA (SCA) A figure obtained by dividing total effective collecting surface of the precipitator by gas volume expressed in thousands of actual cubic feet per minute. SPECIFICATION The document that describes ... be running at full speed. SURFACE FILTRATION A process that traps contaminants larger than the pore size on the top surface of the filter, usually a PTFE membrane. Contaminants smaller than ... More from this site

Evaluation of Low Sulphur Tailings for Reducing Acid Mine Drainage
The lysimeters were monitored for various parameters including pore-water composition, O2 and CO2 pore-gas concentrations, microbiology and bulk physical properties of the tailings. Results To ... until 4.3 years. Pore-gas oxygen concentrations were depleted in the upper 20 cm of the MT and TT lysimeters in 1993, however, complete gas-phase oygen depletion was not ...

Groundwater Glossary: The Groundwater Foundation
Pore space: Openings between geologic material found underground. Also referred to as void space or interstices ... cycle in which individual molecules are highly energized and move about freely; also known as gas/gaseous. W Wastewater: Water that contains unwanted materials from homes, businesses, and industries; a ...

Radon: Environmental Health in Minnesota
Upper Midwest contains widespread uranium and radium. These minerals continuously break down to release radon gas. Therefore, Minnesota's geology provides an ongoing supply of radon. In addition, a large ... crawl spaces, unsealed sumps, cracks in slab-on-grade floors, utility penetrations, and the tiny pore spaces in concrete block walls. A basement, of course, provides a large surface area that ...

Adsorption / Active Carbon
Description of adsorption: Molecules from gas or liquid phase will be attached in a physical way ... of organic material through the meso-pore and micro-pore system of the active carbon (micro-pore <2nm; meso-pore 2-50nm) Sorption: The physical ... in a different medium it is called absorption. When a gas is taken in a solution it is called absorption. Figure ...

Bicycle Fixation: I Was a Teenage Suburbanite
Drive down the road a few miles and pass three McDonalds, five gas stations, two 7-11s, and a Starbucks. Their sense of culture limited to that found ... of a stereotypical teen, and I am glad. I enjoy reading The New Yorker, but pore over Rolling Stone just as eagerly. I enjoy dancing in classical ballets, but I just ...

MBARI - Ocean Chemistry of Greenhouse Gases
Most low molecular ... (MacDonald et al., 1994). The laboratory synthesis of gas hydrates, for study of their thermodynamic properties, typically ... gas into a column of coarse sand quickly flooded the pore space with hydrate, and turned it into a solid block of clathrate "ice". Gas ...

NURP deploys the First Gas Hydrate Seafloor Observatory in the Gulf of Mexico (03/23/06)
NURP, in addition to providing critical water column sensor arrays, subsurface pore-water sampling devices, and key support systems, is interested in the contributions of methane ... which calls for joint NOAA, DOE and MMS participation in the research and development of gas hydrates. More information: Contact information Name: Robert ...

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