Results 1 - 10 from 565 for populations and habitats in 0.280 sec.
Wildlife Division - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) is to protect and enhance Oregon’s fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations. ... and develop statewide plans to restore and enhance wildlife populations and habitats to keep wildlife from becoming endangered or threatened. Game Program staff: Work with landowners to prevent and reduce wildlife damage to agricultural and ...
ECO-PROS - Plants and Animals Photos
University of California, Berkeley, Digital Library Project 25,610 images of plants, animals, people, Africa, landscapes and habitats ...
EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys and Conservation - Bird and Insect Databases
Populations - population data, i.e. breeding and winter populations and trends; GBI, Irish, European. Adult survival and mortality, status summary, reasons for population changes, European populations and historical population data Races and Status - races and ...
IISG Projects - Habitats & Ecosystems
This phase is responsible for dispersal of the mussel to new habitats and the maintenance of populations. River ecosystems, where larvae disperse downstream may be particular suitable for ... are documenting the role of dispersal and settlement of larvae in maintaining adult populations in the Hudson and Illinois Rivers. By combining models of water transport and larval biology, we hope ...
Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium - Denver, Colorado
Populations and Health, Human Population Growth, Human Education and Development, Remote Sensing Technologies, Policy and Management Applications, International Law and Mitigation 8 NATURAL PROCESSES Plant Pests and Diseases, Animal Pests and Diseases, Agricultural Pest and ...
Environment Agencies and Organizations in the Great Lakes Region
Lakes fish populations and other important natural resources in the basin. Great Lakes Sea Grant Network A network of Sea Grant colleges and programs working in partnership with government and the private ... Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has been working to protect Canada’s most threatened natural habitats and the endangered species that call them home. Northeast-Midwest Institute The Institute is a ...
Laws and Policies of the Great Lakes Region
Web Agreements Canada-Ontario Agreement Renews and strengthens planning, cooperation and coordination between Canada and Ontario in implementing actions to restore and protect the Great Lakes basin ecosytem. ... of the 1990s Great Lakes Fishery Commission Losses of fishery habitats, extinction of fish populations and species, and naturalization of nonnative species clearly preclude a full recovery of ...
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Climate Change and Nature Conservation
There is clear evidence to show that populations, ranges, migration patterns, and seasonal and ... savannah and increase desertification; it is also likely to result in the loss of beech woodland in southern England. In montane areas, species and habitats ...
Science, Habitats Conservation and Environment: National Geographic Geography Action:
Even large populations of animals can be at risk. Passenger pigeons once flew in flocks so large that they darkened America's skies. Over time, habitat destruction and hunting lessened the ... ! Endangered species are animals and plants that are in danger of becoming extinct. The U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 was passed to protect threatened wildlife and habitats so they don't ...
Save the Elephants - Baseline data collection in Congo and Gabon
This project ... commercially viable. Forest loss and fragmentation are reducing elephant habitat, fragmenting contiguous populations and allowing easy access to formerly isolated elephant poachers. Biologists and conservation site managers ...
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