population was estimated

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Penguin Census 2000/01: Result
The total population was estimated at 297,000 breeding pairs in 1995. However, if we assume that the colony area ... for Gentoos, which was much lower than normal at 0.4 chicks per breeding pair, immigration should not be ruled out Falklands Conservation will continue to monitor seabird population trends. Rockhopper Penguins ...

Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui, Hawaii
By 1968, the Maui population was estimated to be 85-90 animals (Kramer 1971). By 1995, the population on the Ulupalakua Ranch alone was >500 (Erdman, pers. comm.) and reports ... had young fawns at their side; some had older young instead, suggesting reproduction was aseasonal in this population. Yearling males tended to be grouped with other males, whereas yearling females ...

SCS: Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris)
Gulf of Alaska. There are an estimated 84,000 Northern elephant seals in California, while in 1991 the Mexican population was estimated to be about 32,000. Photo: Phillip Colla, Phillip ... hunt. The species was protected under Mexican and U.S. law in the early 20th century and since then has made a remarkable comeback. In California the population is continuing to grow ...

SCS: New Zealand Sea Lion (Phocarctos hookeri)
New Zealand. Individuals are also occasionally seen on New Zealand's North Island. The total population was estimated at 12,000 - 14,000 before a mass mortality event of unknown cause resulted in ... perhaps somewhere in the order of 20%, of the adult population. The exact mortality figures will perhaps never be known. There was previously a high juvenile mortality caused by the presence on ... More from this site

2007 IUCN Red List – 2006 Photo Gallery
Seychelles islands of Silhouette and Praslin. In 2005, the total population was estimated at 3,184 to 3,594 animals. Currently listed as Vulnerable because the species ... . Fifty years ago, Acanthobrama telavivensis was very abundant in the coastal rivers of Israel. There was a sharp decline between 1950 and 1970. Then the population was stable until 1999. In 1999, ...

American Marten - WDNR
Trapping was banned in 1921, but by 1925 martens had been extirpated from the state. Efforts at reestablishing an American marten population in Wisconsin began in 1953 ... study to evaluate the American marten population in the Nicolet National Forest, researchers live-trapped 17 marten. The population was estimated to be 100-150 marten, but was still centered within the ...

WWF - South China tiger - Population & Distribution
Population & Distribution Threats Amur (Siberian) tiger Sumatran tiger Bengal tiger Malayan tiger South China tiger - Population & Distribution Once officially hunted as a pest Previous Population and Distribution The South China tiger population was estimated ...

Free-ranging parrot population of Haiku District, Maui, Hawaii
Arndt 1982). POPULATION SIZE AND DISTRIBUTION ON MAUI The Huelo population has steadily grown. When the Division of Forestry and Wildlife conducted studies on the flock in approximately 1993, the population was 13 (Ueoka, pers. comm.). By late 1995, as many as 28 were being counted at one time (Parker, pers. comm.). On two other recent occasions, observers estimated 30 ...

Kodiak Island, Alaska - Official Visitors Guide - Population
State of Alaska population estimates, the 2004 population of the Kodiak Island Borough is 13,466. The Borough has experienced a growth in population of approximately 35% from 1980, when the population was 9,939 ... has at least one four-year university. The number of adults, 25 years and older, estimated to have at least a high school diploma is 84.7%. Ethnic Distribution - The Kodiak ...

PCI-Media Impact - Population, Poverty and Development
By the year 2015, the world’s population is estimated to exceed 7 billion. Despite the world’s best efforts, more than 600 million ... day. By 2002, that percentage had dropped to an impressive 19 percent. The greatest change was seen in Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia and Oceania, while the greatest challenge for easing ...

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