popular usage

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David Spangler - Unburdening America
It is actually a synonym for "revelation." However, in popular usage (or misusage), it has come to mean "disaster" or "catastrophe", perhaps because in that final ...

Neotropical Grasslands: Habitat, Plants and Animals
In Brazil, campo is used rather than savanna to refer to open grassland formations (campos ...

Kodiak Island, Alaska - Official Visitors Guide - What's in a Name
Kadiak, but was changed to the present spelling in 1901 because of popular usage. Here's an interesting bit of trivia: when Spanish explorers visited the island in 1788 ...

Raccoons - Names and Namesakes
Linnaeus); perro mastin, mudo, tejón, masked, barkless, badgerlike dog, popular usage Swedish: sjupp fisher, fur trade name; tváttbjörn, from Linnaeus, washer bear Text and content copyright ...

Online Zoologists: Evolutionary Biology
In this case, there is a definite distinction to be made between the technical usage given to "evolution" in the biological literature and the popular usage given by the lay population. As is usual, many connotations are evoked in popular usage that simply aren't present in the tehcnical usage ...

Jungle Photos » About
"Concrete Jungle" on his 1973 album Catch a Fire. However, the term's popular usage probably originated with British zoologist Desmond Morris who wrote "The city is not a concrete ...

Pronunciation Olympics: Bay-jing? Bay-zhing? - Olympics on TV -
West when the Chinese began using Beijing on all official documents in the 1980s. Ramsey said he believed Bay-zhing came into usage because it sounded ...

Polyworld :: tanks for everything :: poly tanks versus vs concrete, galvanised, aquaplate, zincalume, Bluescope, steel, fibreglass, other polytanks etc Rainwater usage, Tank Size I need, Water Usage Table, Water consumption, Rain water Tanks Brisbane, Man
Bluescope, steel, fibreglass, other polytanks etc Rainwater usage, Tank Size I need, Water Usage Table, Water consumption, Rain water Tanks Brisbane, Manufacture Redcliffe, South East Queensland ... have their own rainwater for variety of different reasons. Here is a list of popular reasons why Australians save rainwater: "As backup water - just in case it doesn' ...

Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR)
Hawaii. Most popular Plants of Hawaii Job announcements Coqui (frogs) Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) Global Compendium of Weeds Maui Invasive Species Committee (See also the current HEAR usage statistics.) Search ...

Freshwater Website: What's New
Urinal Flushing are now available for public comment. Here's a bright idea! The popular publication A Primer on Fresh Water: Questions and Answers is now available in PDF. | HTML ... the Water Use Challenge! Do you know how much water you use? Calculate your water usage with the Water Use Calculator and compare your personal daily water use total to the ...

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