poorly nourished

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Glossary of Terms - Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Prehistoric tomb using a large stone. Mesotrophic - Applied to water bodies which are moderately nourished, moderately productive. Monoculture - In forestry terms, even-aged, single-species forest crops. ... , nitrogen, silica, oxygen and carbon. O Oligotrophic - Applied to water bodies which are poorly nourished, unproductive. Oocysts - The infective phase in the life cycle of parasites such as ...

Cod Freeze to Death in Newfoundland
This is because poorly nourished animals have lowered resistance to all physical stressors. What explains the timing of this particular ...

Atlantic cod
I knew that cod had been growing poorly on the Scotian Shelf, and that those in the eastern area (4VsW), especially, were in ... over-predation by humans or over-predation by seals. Examined in this light, the exceptionally poorly nourished Scotian Shelf cod would appear not to be experiencing too intense predation pressure, but rather ... More from this site

Friends of Red Hill Valley
Jerrett said the ...

Twisted Limbs in Kittens
It was initially thought that Sophia's mother, a stray, had been poorly nourished and that this contributed to Sophia's condition ...

Our Stolen Future: Wingspread Statement on immune system function
HIV positive) are also likely to be more at risk. In certain instances, humans and ...

Population Action International : Reproductive Health Supplies
Women who are in poor health or are poorly nourished are less likely to receive prenatal care, more likely to experience complications in pregnancy and ...

The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks
All three species of thresher are believed to reproduce via ovoviviparity whereby the embryo is nourished via yolk sac; as the shark pups develop and eventually exhaust their yolk; the unborn ... to 15 years of age, while females reach maturity even later. All three species are poorly understood, especially the pelagic thresher and the big eye thresher. These sharks are presumed to ...

Rainforest Biogeography
Equator (as far as 26 degrees North in south-western China), nourished by moisture-bearing winds from the oceans. The ultimate limits to equatorial rainforest in these ... and Sri Lankan rainforests have suffered badly as a result of increasing human populations and poorly controlled logging during the past few decades. The longer-term result of unsustainable exploitation is ...

EPA's Regulation of Biotechnology for Use in Pest Management | Pesticides | US EPA
Crops Weed control is one of the farmer's biggest challenges in crop production, because poorly controlled weeds drastically reduce crop yield and quality. To control weeds, farmers often use broad ... . Host Plant: A plant on which an insect pest lives or by which it is nourished. Insect Resistance Management: A scheme for managing plants expressing insect control proteins that will provide ...