Results 1 - 10 from 422 for poor farmers in 0.205 sec.
Overseas Development Institute - Project:To investigate the opportunities and constraints faced by resource-poor farmers in the humid lowlands of West Africa (HULWA) in investing in the planting and improvement of indigenous trees for income generation
Climate Change Programme > Projects To investigate the opportunities and constraints faced by resource-poor farmers in the humid lowlands of West Africa (HULWA) in investing in the planting and ... in West Africa for improving rural livelihoods by cultivating indigenous fruit trees on-farm. Poor farmers have constraints to their ability to harness such opportunities, but the benefits they obtain ...
IC42 - A Good Harvest
Community by Lorrette Picciano-Hansen Poor farmers in Mexico and the US build trade and mutual support networks. A Campaign for Sustainability by Kathy Lawrence Farmers, consumers, and environmentalists take on US ...
ECHO: Networking Global Hunger Solutions
As such, ECHO does not "teach" people how to farm. Rather we work to make farmers more effective at growing food ... be exchanged easier than ever, at a price that is affordable by the wealthy and poor alike. ECHO has taken advantage of this technology, making agricultural information, experiments, ideas, etc. available ...
CREA Saving Tropical Ecosystems
The majority of the 1 million (37%) poor in Panama are rural subsistence farmers who are the most affected by unsustainable land use practices. The poor are forced to occupy cheap, often hilly, marginal areas and it is here where one finds the greatest poverty and the greatest ongoing loss of biodiversity. Poor farmers use slash ...
News and Events
Agriculture's biotechnology specialist says opponents of genetically engineered technology are denying benefits to farmers and consumers. Thais should not let non-scientific data about the technology's adverse effects ... ƒÃ ¡ÉµÃ, RISE-AT News Archives) Poor farmers want minister to solve land use problems [5 June 2002] Landless farmers in Lamphun yesterday rallied to demand action to solve land ...
GeneWatch UK - Terminator technology - Sterile seed to prevent farmers using saved seed
As such it clearly has social and economic implications for the millions of poor farmers in developing countries who rely on ... to crops. Because of the serious social and economic consequences of Terminator technology, especially on poor farmers, there is an ad hoc international moratorium on its development under the Convention on ...
NRI - Making Agriculture Work for the Poor
In particular, Chambers and Ghildyal (1985) felt that technological innovations were not made available to small or resource poor farmers on ... Supporting the production of high value products by smallholder farmers; Developing better research and advisory services for poor farmers that integrate farmers' and consumers' knowledge and input supply and ...
India Farmers Accuse Monsanto of Pushing Cotton "Seeds of Death"
Bt book. Aggressively pushing this faulty but expensive technology onto poor farmers amounts to nothing less than such a crime. And Monsanto ... can watch the broadcast] January 22, 2006 (Hyderabad): Farmers in Andhra Pradesh are grappling with crippling debt and ... in fact increased cultivation cost. "There's no high yield, farmers have suffered negative returns. That is why the first ...
(Frankel et al., 1995). Farmers have traditionally maintained them as a means of insuring stability ... ’t meet all the needs of all the farmers in the Third World. Some farmers grow a crop with more than high ... for over many years and nurtured in situ by local, usually poor, farmers) (Borowitz 1994). Another key point to remember with biotechnology is ...
Indian Farmers Are Not Pirates -Monsanto Is A Polluter
We as farmer organisations of India object to Indian farmers being falsely accused of piracy. Since 1991 the Indian farmers movement has been fighting for seed sovereignty and farmers rights ... and he was a poor farmer. The leader of the Gujarat farmers, Lalshankar Upadhyay, is pressing the state government to legalise seed piracy. As far as he is concerned, farmers have been ...
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