Results 1 - 10 from 164 for polluting practices in 0.310 sec.
Reports - Eco Friends []
He said that the tanneries were the biggest culprit of the Ganga pollution and therefore the polluting tanneries should be shut ... gain more strength if the poor section of the society is made aware about their polluting practices. She showed her disgust at the attitude of the administration which she said had turned ...
Eco Friends
Hence, he said that these polluting practices should be restricted. After the individual presentations in the third session, resource persons were ... Generating mass awareness about the importance of river Ganga and the adverse effects of polluting it. Mass mobilization for the depollution of river, especially during bathing festivals. Convincing ...
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Restoring the family farm to economic and environmental sustainability (2002)
But normal practices are no longer good enough. Farming, as ... country, are abominations. No farm should have the right to pollute, and no farm's polluting practices should be subsidized. If you agree, and want a farm economy we can be ...
GrassRoots Recycling Network
PVC: The Poison Plastic Campaign for ...
GRRN - End Landfilling
(RECs) that support the destruction of natural resources and the polluting practices of burning and burying garbage. Wasteful Energy Subsidies for Landfills The waste industry is working ...
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International Society for Ecology and Culture
This means spending money they don‚t have. So find ...
IPEN Dubai Declaration
Provide for a just transition whenever hazardous chemicals, polluting practices, or dirty technologies are phased out to ensure that special attention is given ... pest control and other sustainable agriculture techniques aimed at achieving good yields through practices that are healthy, environmentally sustainable, and financially affordable, especially for low-income groups, ...
Island Resources Foundation: Resumes - Byron Dubois
Maryland. As a result of these activities which documented the polluting practices of a major construction project, the association successfully pressured Anne Arundel Country into ... President: Achievements included organizing a week-long school-wide food strike that reformed cafeteria practices and enable student government to sell ice cream to fund next year's ...
ESSP CLP - Principles and Practices in Sustainable Development for the Engineering and Built Environment Professions Unit1 Lecture 3
Environment Professionals E-Waste Curriculum Development Project Second Year Undergraduate Principles and Practices in Sustainable Development for the Engineering and Built Environment Professions Senior ... renewable resources or other forms of capital. Assimilation: Releases of hazardous or polluting substances to the environment shall not exceed its assimilative capacity; concentrations ...
Best Management Practices
Illicit Discharge Coordinators Best Management Practices Stormwater Pollution Prevention Is Everybody's Business! Best Management Practices (BMPs) You Can Use Now Polluting stormwater is against the law! ... to prevent spills, litter, and other wastes from polluting stormwater. All businesses can implement common sense Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce or eliminate their contribution ...
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