pollen counts

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David Suzuki Foundation: Climate Change : Air Pollution
Studies also show that warmer temperatures drive up pollen counts, which worsen symptoms of allergy sufferers. Researchers have found that increased levels of carbon ... cause more weeds to grow but also encourage each individual weed to release more pollen. Ground level ozone Ground level ozone is the nasty cousin of stratospheric ozone. Whereas ...

Community Page - Air Pollution and Health
Department of Health Press Release about ... Department American Heart Association - Air pollution is a serious cardiovascular risk Daily Pollen Counts - For Yesterday - During pollen season Air Quality Data Outdoor/Residential Burning Information PDF forms and other type ...

MedlinePlus: Global warming could worsen allergies: report
Dr. Katherine M. Shea of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Warmer temperatures mean longer pollen seasons, the ... to keep the pollen outside; showering before bed to remove pollen from the hair and face and to keep it off the sheets; checking daily pollen counts, and staying inside when counts are high; and ...

Environmental Restoration: Understanding Disturbance
A reference site is desirable for any restoration study; but in ... an impact penetrometer, infiltrometer, and chemical and biological assays, such as spore counts or mycorrhizal and bacterial infectivity assessments. Soil strength often is dramatically increased by ...

Some Basic Facts About Mold and Mildew
What does mold need to grow? Mold needs – a food ... determine whether health effects will occur. Mold is normally found outdoors and counts fluctuate from day to day depending on the season. Due to ... cleanup of molds, many spores may be released into the air. Mold counts in air are typically 10 to 1,000 times higher than ...

Science and the Environment Bulletin: Decoding Canada's Environmental Past
The abundance of pollen buried in lake sediments enables s cientists to estimate climate changes, while pollen composition tells us how these changes have affected ... to examine past winter severity in the Great Plains region. Using aboriginal pictographic winter counts time-aligned by meteorological and pictographic evidence of a major meteor shower in 1833, ...

A Plague of Frogs or a Jubilee of Toads 1
"It was hard to think of a way to get good counts of the teeming jubilee animals. The water was too fast, the bottom too rocky, the ... the pool may become covered with a yellow scum of pine pollen that is ravenously eaten by the tadpoles. The pollen packs the gut of each tadpole until it shows bright yellow ...

National Geographic magazine: February 1999 @
Throughout the three-month nesting period Pimm and Bass make these counts, flying a different line of their transect map each dawn and stopping at sites spaced ... endangered plants. “We’ve managed to piece the flora together by reading travelers’ diaries, collecting pollen from soil samples, and having bits of wood identified. But we only have a shadow ...

Houghton's Goldenrod ESA
Apparently, S. houghtonii pollen is well adapted to insect dispersal due to its heavy, sticky nature (Semple ... detailing and tracking the survival of individual plants. Within each population undergoing monitoring, counts of total individuals, flowering individuals, rosette size, flowering stalks and habitat occupancy'may ...

Pitcher's Thistle ESA
Michigan, only one species was the same, a bumblebee (Bombus pextlexus) . Insect pollen vectors include species within the genus Bombus (bumblebees), Megachile (megachilid bees), Melissodes (anthophorid ... components. At the Palmer-Gates-Wilcox Preserve, very small population numbers facilitate actual counts. These are conducted on an annual basis. The population occurring at Presque Isle ... More from this site