Results 1 - 10 from 70 for poaching pressure in 0.814 sec.
ITEC Conservation Programs
Alternative activities that may relieve turtle poaching pressure and help reestablish historic population levels include child and adult conservation education, ... of a long-term tagging program. Construct and maintain egg nurseries. Relieve poaching pressure through conservation education and the establishment of alternative activities such as iguana farming ...
WWF - Amur (Siberian) tiger - Population & Distribution
Russian Far East Broadleaf and Conifer Forests ecoregion. Amur tigers found here are under increasing poaching pressure due to political and economic changes that have occured over the last few years. Page ...
A question of survival for Kanha's tigers
Ricard Pardhi (accused in a tiger poaching case in Tadoba reserve), Harprasad Pardhi (accused of tiger poaching in Bandipur and Nagarhole) and Siddhesingh ... is organised poaching based on man’s statements? If that were the case more traps would have been found there than tiger reserves like Pench and Tadoba where indications of poaching pressure are ...
WWF - African elephants - Threats
African elephant population to current levels. The poaching was generally well-organized and difficult to control because of the availability of ... under-funded, poaching still appears to be a chronic, significant problem. Moreover, increasing land use pressures on elephant range, declining law enforcement budgets, and continuing poaching pressure for bush ...
Perhaps most concerning is the fact that poaching pressure is likely to fall most intensely on those countries least able to resist and ... s Senior Enforcement Officer inexplicably indicated that increased legal trade might result in decreased poaching, a counterintuitive scenario inconsistent with historical fact. The 1989 international ivory trade ban ...
The saiga saga
Despite its ability to endure the extremes of nature, the saiga cannot ... FFI is helping to implement appropriate local and transboundary conservation initiatives, improving anti-poaching systems and protected area viability and developing appropriate alternative livelihood opportunities. FFI ...
Africa. However, poaching continues to be a big problem in many areas of ... managed game ranches in South Africa has kept a lot of poaching pressure off of the lion in general by providing a legal source ... situation for captive lions, especially in the US, is bleak. Increasing pressure from animal rights groups is greatly hurting the genetic viability ...
A conservation triumph: The Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda
The threats to the mountain gorillas and their habitat are many. Poaching, pressure on the land for agriculture, unsustainable harvesting of wood for fuel, construction and other human ...
And now Lions: poaching in the Gir!!
Gir!! And now Lions: poaching in the Gir!! 11 March, 2007 HOME And now Lions: poaching in the Gir!! Gandhinagar, March 11, 2007: Two incidents at Gir Lion sanctuary — the poaching ... s sub-species in the wild has been under enormous pressure in Gir. Sadly, while the disappearance of India ’ ...
Central African Republic
BaAka Pygmies and Bantus communities Main threat to rainforest: Lack of sustainable logging management, poaching, pressure for fuelwood around the main cities GDP per capita: $1,700 Size of country: 622 ...
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