Results 1 - 8 from 8 for pleurisy root in 0.207 sec.
Ion Exchange - Asclepias tuberosa - Butterfly Milkweed
Fall. The root of Asclepias tuberosa was once thought to be a cure for pleurisy, hence the name "Pleurisy Root". Dr. Charles Millspaugh summarized the claims of many authors on medical meterials regarding the medicinal qualities of Pleurisy Root: "The Pleurisy Root has received ...
Butterfly Milkweed
Butterfly Milkweed is noted for medicinal properties. One of its old nicknames is Pleurisy Root. It was widely used by Native Americans for treating throat and lung ailments and for ...
Edible flowers - Plants For A Future
Asclepias tuberosa. Growing up to 75cm tall and 50cm wide, PLEURISY ROOT prefers a well-drained light, rich or peaty soil that is on the dry side ...
The Milkweeds - Asclepias species - Plants For A Future
A. tuberosa Pleurisy Root Growing to 2ft in dry, open soils. All the above are ... this. A. tuberosa, as the name suggests, also produces a tuberous root and this is edible when cooked, with a nutty flavour. ... should be potted up when quite young since they resent much root disturbance. Plant them out in their permanent positions in early summer ...
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Database File for: Cancerillo - Asclepias curassavica
Madame Bouvin, Indian root, ipeca d' Haiti, ipecacuanha, kakanasa, malcasadak, marjan, mata cavaille, pleurisy root, qan chichegi, sunset flower, to-wata, viborrana, zahrat ... roots are commonly known as "pleurisy root" and used as an expectorant for pneumonia and pleurisy and other lung problems. In Jamaica, a poultice of the root is used to treat ...
Asclepias syriaca
Phyllosticta cornuti (leaf spot), Phymatotrichum omnivorum (root rot), Puccinis bartholomaei (rust), P. seymouriana, Rhizoctonia solani (root rot), Scolecotrichum asclepiadis (on leaves), Septoria asclepiadicola ...
Eleusine coracana
Ragi is a folk remedy for leprosy, liver disease (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962), measles, pleurisy, pneumonia, and small pox (Duke and Wain, 1981). Chemistry Per 100 g, the straw is ... to branches sent out at the rounded nodes in succession, plants often lodged or prostrate; root system fibrous and remarkably strong, permeating soil thoroughly, inflorescence a whorl of 2-8 (normally ...
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Established plants also thicken into clumps or stands by suckers arising from the root crown. TRIBAL AND HERBAL MEDICINE USES Like many plants in the pepper family, ... ; for colds, diarrhea, and wounds Panama for bronchitis, cancer, decubitus ulcers, digestive disorders, pleurisy, pneumonia, respiratory problems, stomach ailments, trichomonas, ulcers, uterine fibroids, uterine ulcers, vaginitis, and ...