Results 1 - 10 from 56 for pitched sounds in 0.443 sec.
Ocean Alliance - EDUCATION - Whale Education Kit
Fish can't hear the high pitched sounds so they don't realize they are being observed. It ... frequency sounds that don't travel very far through the water before being converted into heat. Short, high-pitched, rapid sounds used on ... High frequency sounds can contain more detail than low frequency sounds, but don't travel very far underwater. Low frequency sounds used by ...
Echolocation | Bat Biosonar
When these sounds bounce off of objects bats are capable of listening ... path. Bat Echolocation Fun Facts Humans generally can not hear the high pitched sounds that bats make. Some bats send echolocation sounds though their nose but most bats use their mouth. Most fruit ...
Wild World Glossary
Using echolocation, the animal emits high-pitched sounds that reflect off of an object and return to the ears or other sensory receptors ...
NPC Online Library: Highway Traffic Noise
NPC Home The Price of Progress In recent years highway traffic noise-the unpleasant, unwanted sounds generated on our Nation's streets and highways-has been of increasing concern both to ... adjustment, or weighting, of the high- and low-pitched sounds is made to approximate the way that an average person hears sounds. The adjusted sounds are called "A-weighted levels"(dBA). The A-weighted ...
EEK! - Critter Corner - Bats
It scans the area, turning its head from side to side, sending out sound pulses through its mouth. The sounds bounce off objects ... echoes. As the bat gets closer to an insect, it sends out more squeaks. These sounds continue to bounce back to the bat's large, sensitive ears until it can tell ...
Free-ranging parrot population of Haiku District, Maui, Hawaii
A rather high-pitched call ["schrack"] was repeated frequently when these birds were in flight or about to do so. Their sounds were loud and raucous. When perched, the ...
Article template
North Carolina she describes the “hoarse and raucous caws” of the ravens and the “high-pitched screams” of a hawk, and in her essay from Maryland (included below) she writes that ... surrounded on three sides by water making distinctly different sounds. To my right, the river rushes directly at me; in front are the sounds of swirls and eddies, a more gentle, gliding ...
jwdavies - circuit bending
Juke Audit Meng This is a little sequencer toy with some fairly retarded sounds that become interesting when pitched differently. I added a photo resistor to alter pitch, a glitch switch ... Pitched in interesting ways and radical distortion switches. I like these sounds a lot. ~ Midnight Train Choo choo sounds triggered and pitched by touch. Makes for some interesting spasmodic growly sounds. ~ ...
Science Explorer: CANdemonium--recycle cans to make BONKO music
You'll find that the longer Bonko makes a lower-pitched sound than the shorter Bonko. Rather than talking about pitch, scientists sometimes talk about ... happens, sounds with that frequency get louder. The length of the Bonko helps determine which sounds get louder. Long Bonkos amplify low-frequency (low-pitched) sounds; short Bonkos amplify high-frequency (high-pitched) sounds. ...
Sounds of the Sea -
Hz usually ... sounds to humans is ultrasound and below it is infrasound. Rapid vibrations of air molecules create a high-pitched sound (treble); a slower rate of vibration creates a low-pitched ... that the sound wave travels. Sounds with greater tonality can travel farther distances. Sounds emitted under water usually ...
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