pinyon juniper woodland

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Results 1 - 10 from 13 for pinyon juniper woodland in 0.327 sec.

NMPIF Grassland 2
Western Meadowlark dry grasslands above 6000 feet, also in open shrublands and occasionally open pinyon-juniper woodland needs sparse shrub brush for perches requires low percentage of grass cover and corresponding ... no smaller than 1ac, often no smaller than 2ac VESP dry grasslands, shrublands or pinyon-juniper; requires only 40% ground cover and high percentage of bare ground found breeding above ...

NMPIF Shrublands 3
Ash-throated Flycatcher, Western Scrub-Jay, Spotted Towhee, Chipping Sparrow oak woodland, shrubby areas and pinyon-juniper woodland, generally wetter areas than other species in this genus often selects live ... base; absent from limestone mountains large agaves important food source BGGN oak or pinyon-juniper woodland and shrubby areas; nests in live trees with lower basal area and density ... More from this site

NABA Biennial Meeting
Giant Sequoia groves, grasslands and pastures, Joshua tree woodland, marshes, mixed conifer and fir forest, pinyon pine and juniper woodland, and riparian woodland made up variously of alders, ashes, cottonwoods, sycamores, and willows ...

Exotic and Invasive Species on the Colorado Plateau
Forest Quaking Aspen Forest Mixed Conifer Forest Ponderosa Pine Forest Montane Chaparral/Scrub Pinyon-Juniper Woodland Mountain Grasslands Semi-arid Grasslands Mountain Wetlands Riparian Areas Paleocommunities Elevational Range Merriam ... as it also is known, had invaded native semi-arid grasslands and open pinyon-juniper woodlands of the Colorado Plateau. Despite its early growth and rich color, ...

Quaking Aspen Forests of the Colorado Plateau
Subalpine Conifer Forest Quaking Aspen Forest Mixed Conifer Forest Ponderosa Pine Forest Montane Chaparral/Scrub Pinyon-Juniper Woodland Mountain Grasslands Semi-arid Grasslands Mountain Wetlands Riparian Areas Paleocommunities Elevational Range Merriam's Life ... More from this site

Past Trips - Summer 2003
These are mountains grown to sagebrush and a dense pinyon-juniper woodland. We'll do three loop hikes of 10-14 miles each, each with less than ... deep canyons cut into a lava plateau reaching to elevation 7300'. Vegetation is sagebrush and juniper trees. About 27 miles of backpacking; elevation gain 2200'. Water and shade every day, and ...

Boycott Woodchipping Campaign Manual - Buyer Logical Options
Pinyon-Juniper woodland, with adjoining forests of Ponderosa pine. One thousand years later, the area remains a desert ...

Major Habitats
Coastal Salt Marsh Chaparral Fresh water Marsh Coastal Sage Scrub Southern Oak Woodland Valley Grassland Riparian Woodland Forests Pinyon-juniper Woodland Joshua Tree Woodland Scrubs Due to its topographical complexity, Southern California has a large variety ...

How does our Weather Station Work?
Generally, we are in a sagebrush-filled high desert next to a pinyon-juniper woodland on the flanks of the mountains. A nearby riparian corridor shades the perennial Lee Vining ...

Park Tour: Island in the Sky @
Upheaval Dome, where the road ends at a good picnic spot shaded by junipers and pinyon pines. Stretch your legs on the 0.5-mile [0.8-kilometer] trail to the ... Arch Trailhead. An easy 0.5-mile [0.8-kilometer] loop takes you through a pinyon-juniper woodland to a small natural arch carved from the rim. The curve of the arch frames ...

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