Results 1 - 10 from 224 for phosphorus and nitrogen in 0.253 sec.
Untitled Document
UNOX-BNR adds anaerobic and anoxic stages to UNOX to implement phosphorus and nitrogen removal. • A short SRT process for nitrification, reduces necessary SRT ... concentration. • A sludge digestion process which uses oxygen, the process reaches thermophilic temperature and can met 503 pasteurization. • Ozone, a powerful oxidant, can be produced most ...
Untitled Document
Depending upon the type of nutrient to be removed, the UNOX-BNR System combines the high purity oxygen activated sludge process with an anaerobic and ... that are responsible for biological phosphorus removal by absorbing BOD and accumulating large quantities of phosphorus within their cell structure. The accumulated phosphorus is removed from the plant ...
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Key messages - 1
A. Raike, et al. Trends in phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in Finnish rivers in 1970-1999 M. Krah, et al. Recent flooding pattern ... Click here to download the Abstract Volume (dec_abstracts.pdf, 778 Kb). DETECTING ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Science and Society 17-20 July 2001, London, UK Incorporating the annual meeting of the International ...
Fishing in Wisconsin and the Great Lakes
Fox River Watch)] The toxics result in fish consumption advisories throughout the region, and ...
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution | US EPA
The bright green water in this estuary is result of a dense bloom of cyanobacteria. (Source: NOAA) Algal blooms can present problems for ecosystems and human beings. What are EPA and ...
Monitoring and evaluation: Resource Condition Indicators
Phosphorus and Nitrogen) (status: for advice) Transparency (status: for advice) Vegetation (status: for advice) Phytoplankton (status: for advice) Estuarine, coastal and marine habitat integrity Estuarine, coastal and marine habitat extent and ...
SARE 2008 National Conference - Speakers - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program
As a result of her SARE Farmer Grower grant, the farm has monitored the mass nutrient balance of phosphorus and nitrogen and follows a nutrient management plan. In 2007, Judy and Bob began to market their grass-fed beef and veal locally to restaurants and individuals. Judy currently is ...
GEO-2000: Chapter Two: The State of the Environment - North America - Marine and coastal areas
Gulf of Mexico is of great importance for tourism, fisheries, shipping, and oil and gas exploitation, and for wetlands that provide habitat for 75 per cent of North America ... of harmful micro-organisms in coastal waters have become more frequent. Excess nutrients - phosphorus and nitrogen - from agricultural and other human activities are thought to contribute to such outbreaks. Pfiesteria piscicda, ...
Harford Land Trust - Wetland Functions and Values
... phosphorus and nitrogen in the water and sediments, thus preventing them from entering bodies of water where they can promote excessive unpleasant and harmful growth of algae and ...
Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Glossary)
A continuous and lengthy period during which no significant precipitation is recorded. dry deposition - Emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxides that, ... of them; e.g., coal, crude oil, and metal ores. nutrient - As a pollutant, any element or compound, such as phosphorus or nitrogen, that fuels abnormally high organic growth in ...
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