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Seal Conservation Society: Species Index Page
Family: Phocidae Subfamily: Phocinae Caspian Seal Phoca caspica Ribbon Seal Phoca fasciata Harp Seal Phoca groenlandica Ringed Seal Phoca hispida Spotted Seal Phoca largha Baikal Seal Phoca sibirica Harbour Seal Phoca vitulina Monk, Elephant and Antarctic Seals Leopard ...
Sable Island Marine Mammals
Five seal species occur on Sable Island: grey Halichoerus grypus; harbour Phoca vitulina; harp Phoca groenlandica; hooded Cystophora cristata; and ringed Phoca hispida. Two of these - grey and harbour seals - breed on the ...
Shark Predation on Sable Island seals
Phoca vitulina) at Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Journal of Zoology, London 252: 405-414. Lucas, Z. & P-.Y. Daoust. 2002. Large increases of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) and hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, since 1995. Polar Biology 25: 562-568. Lucas, Z. & D.F. McAlpine. 2002. Extralimital occurrences of ringed seals, Phoca ...
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Eco Field Guide: Mammals
Harp seals Phoca groenlandica Least Chipmunk Eutamias minimus Moose Alces alces Polar bear Ursus Maritimus Snowshoe hare Lepus americanus Walrus Odobenus rosmarus Raccoon Procyon lotor Ringed seal Pusa (Phoca) hispida Striped skunk ...
Northern organisms
Phoca groenlandica Labrador tea Rhododendron groenlandicum Mountain avens Dryas integrifolia/ octopetala Muskox Ovibos moschatus Narwhal Monodon monoceros Peregrine falcon Lepisma saccharina Polar bear Ursus Maritimus Reindeer moss Cladina rangiferina Ringed seal Pusa (Phoca ...
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Something is Rotten in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
B. 2004. Quantifying uncertainty in estimates of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) consumption by harp seals (Phoca groenlandica). Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 2004/089 10. Consider this sampling of relevant Canadian ...
Maximizing Our Seal Resources for the Benefit of Canada and the World
Harp Seal - a hair seal known by the Latin name Phoca groenlandica. # Hooded Seal - a hair seal known by the Latin name Cystophora cristata. # Lansdmen - fishermen who ...
Marine Mammal Commission: Simple Global Species List
Caspian seal Phoca caspica Crabeater seal Lobodon carcinophagus Gray seal Halichoerus grypus Guadalupe fur seal Arctocephalus townsendi Harbor seal Phoca vitulina Harp seal Phoca groenlandica Hawaiian monk ... American sea lion Otaria byronia Southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina Spotted seal Phoca largha Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubatus Subantarctic fur seal Arctocephalus tropicalis ...
Marine Mammal Commission: Scientific Global Species List
Family Scientific Name Common Name Phocidae Phoca vitulina Harbor seal Phoca largha Spotted seal Phoca hispida Ringed seal Phoca sibirica Baikal seal or nerpa Phoca caspica Caspian seal Phoca groenlandica Harp seal Histriophoca fasciata Ribbon seal Erignathus ...
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Online Zoologists: Pinnipeds
Ommatophoca rossii Otaria byronia Phoca caspica Phoca fasciata Phoca groenlandica Phoca hispida Phoca largha Phoca sibirica Phoca vitulina Phocarctos hookeri Zalophus ... Phoca caspica TBD [Top] Phoca fasciata TBD [Top] Phoca groenlandica TBD [Top] Phoca hispida TBD [Top] Phoca largha TBD [Top] Phoca sibirica TBD [Top] Phoca vitulina Assessment of rehabilitated and free-ranging harbor seal (Phoca ...
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