Results 1 - 2 from 2 for phil and trish quintenz in 0.029 sec.
badgers,beaver released in restored habitat
Phil and Trish Quintenz. They have undertaken the formidable task of returning farmland near Palmyra to native prairie, forest and wetland habitats. Also released ... more pictures and natural history information about badgers. Above left and right: A beaver finds its way in a creek on the central Illinois farm of Phil and Trish Quintenz. Habitat ...
IRC habitat restoration diary-photo album
Photo Album Daisy and Brownie Scouts scattered milkweed seeds in the valley. A good time was had by all. Scouts clear brush during Sunday's work day. IRC volunteer Trish Quintenz has her picture taken by a scout for the girl's journal. Scouts are keeping journals of their visits to the Illinois Raptor Center. Sunday, October 27, 2002 IRC volunteer Phil Quintenz ...
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