petroleum vapors

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Results 1 - 10 from 25 for petroleum vapors in 0.419 sec.

Voluntary Petroleum Investigation and Cleanup Program - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
For some properties, special construction might be needed to prevent the further spreading of the contamination and/or to prevent petroleum vapors from entering buildings or utility access shafts. Persons can get MPCA approval of their proposed response actions from the Petroleum Brownfields Program ...

Petroleum Remediation Program - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
The program does this by eliminating pathways linking contaminant sources to receptors. A response is required if there are verifiably detectable impacts of petroleum contaminants in drinking water, petroleum vapors in living spaces, or petroleum vapors causing explosive potential in confined ... More from this site

McTighe Oil-Water Separators
The following information provides a brief overview on the separation principles ... in less evaporation, less air pollution, and less chance for ignition of flammable vapors open top API designs. Typical API designs are based upon the removal of ...

Plain English Guide To The Clean Air Act
VOC vapors into the air. Although cars have had pollution control devices since the 1970s, the devices ... 1990 Clean Air Act encourages development and sale of alternative fuels such as alcohols, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gas. Gas stations in smoggy areas will install vapor recovery nozzles ...

Hazardous Waste | Wastes | US EPA
This list includes certain wastes from specific industries, such as petroleum refining or pesticide manufacturing. Certain sludges and wastewaters from treatment and production ... wastes are unstable under "normal" conditions. They can cause explosions, toxic fumes, gases, or vapors when heated, compressed, or mixed with water. Examples include lithium-sulfur batteries and ...

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Without question, the availability of distilled petroleum fuels vastly accelerated the global-scale environmental changes that concern us today, although the ... gas ordinarily the least polluting. When petroleum products such as gasoline or diesel fuel or heating oil are burned, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbon vapors (which lead to toxic ozone at ...

John Zink: JZ Vapor Control
Recovering, Combusting and Controlling the World's Vapors With more than 1,500 vapor recovery and combustion systems in service, John Zink Company provides petroleum and chemical terminals around the world with ...

Avoid toxic agents in the paint industry use environmentally safe weatherbos
Many petroleum and water based paints and finishes contain toxic additives that are designed for a ... poisoning. Substances used in the formulations of coatings, which can be inhaled, are primarily the vapors of volatile liquids and solids. Paints frequently contain skin-degrading solvents, as well as ...

Soil stratification and structure is fundamental due to their effects on where vapors will flow in the ...

Global Bio Sciences
Biostimulation Technologies TM Paired with SVES to Remediate Petroleum Pollutants In October 2001, GBI installed one Butane Injector 2000TM panel at a petroleum contaminated service station in Winthrop, Massachusetts. In ... leak in a product line associated with a UST. The release also produced gasoline vapors that were detected in a building adjacent to the property. Drilling activities revealed the ...

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