personal computers

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Results 1 - 10 from 275 for personal computers in 0.246 sec.

NPC Resources: Noise from Personal Computers
NPC Resources: Noise from Personal Computers "Good neighbors keep their noise to themselves." Noise from Personal Computers Here are some of the resources we have found on PC noise. Noise Control in PCs - Reduction of noise in PCs. This is a wonderful article regarding PC noise and how to remedy it.

February 16, 2005: China Replacing the United States as World's Leading Consumer (printable)
The use of personal computers is now also taking off in China. After a late start, the number of personal computers jumped to 36 million in 2002 compared with 190 million in the United States. But with the number of computers in use doubling every 28 months ...

KIWC Newsletter October 1998 VOL.7 (3/4)
Triangle Network (a tentative name). As all of us have access to multimedia via personal computers, we have established links connecting each other's homepages, which publicize our individual businesses. This ...

EARTH-FRIENDLY COMPUTER PRODUCTS: Printer Ribbons, Toners, Ink Jet Cartridges, Products for Computers, Printers and Fax Machines and More
Between now and 2007, the survey found, 500 million personal computers will become obsolete. In 1998 alone, 20 million computers were taken out of service; only 2.3 million were recycled ... 20.6 million personal computers became obsolete in the United States in 1998. Of that number, only 11 percent, or about 2.3 million units, were recycled. Disposal of old computers could become ...

Psst! Pass It On! | Resource Conservation Challenge (RCC) Newsroom | US EPA
Pass It On Week, April 16 - 23, to encourage the collection and reuse of personal computers. During this week several of our Plug-In To eCycling partners organized regional collection events ... more about donating, erasing data from your hard drive, and understanding who might receive donated computers from our "Do The PC Thing" brochure. This brochure will also guide you on what ...

Japan and the Environment
Increasingly, Japanese citizens press hard for local referenda on potentially harmful environment-related ...

An update on what's happening in King County government- King County
Voters are urged to carefully check their personal information to prepare for the fall election. July 31, 2006 Find 'Chip' in King County ... easier to file for office. Beginning Monday, candidates will be able to file from their personal computers instead of making a trip to downtown Seattle. Candidates still have the option to file ...

Internet World 99 Paper - The Internet as a Vehicle for Service Delivery
Through the 80s we saw the reduction in the cost of computers, the emergence of mini computers and personal computers. These systems questioned the role of IT departments as the protectors ... that a major component of their expenditure was on computers, relationships with vendors developed and the duties of minding the computers and software became closely linked to the supply of ...

EPEAT: Changing the Way We Buy Computers | Resource Conservation Challenge (RCC) Newsroom | US EPA
Home Wastes RCC Newsroom News Archive EPEAT: Changing the Way We Buy Computers EPEAT: Changing the Way We Buy Computers The $60 billion+ federal market for computer equipment is about go ... ™, the new Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard for Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products. Products are evaluated for a rating—either bronze, silver, or gold—based ...

Where to Donate Used Computers and Electronics in the Bay Area
Marin > Donating Used Computers and Electronics in the Bay Area ecotopics Environmental Tips for Individuals Sustainable Solutions Tips on Alternative Transportation and Improving Fuel Efficiency Reducing Personal and ... computers to be used at home. Graduates of Tech have accumulated enough points to take 100 computers with them to college. The school has also recycled several hundred used computers ...

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