penguin eudyptes

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Marine Debris and Pollution
Many animals in the Falklands are already under significant threat. These include the Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chyrosocome chyrosocome, which has suffered a dramatic population decline in recent years, for which the ...

NATUREANDCO.COM - New Zealand Seabirds: Complete Checklist
Yellow-headed Penguin Megadyptes antipodes Blue Penguin Eudyptula minor Fiordland Crested Penguin Eudyptes pachyrhynchus Snares Crested Penguin Eudyptes robustus Erect-crested Penguin Eudyptes sclateri Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome ... Pterodroma brevirostris Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus King Penguin Aptenodytes Patagonicus Brown Booby Sula leucogaster Arctic Skua Stercorarius ...

Falklands Wildlife Checklist
King Penguin Emperor Penguin Gentoo Penguin Adelie Penguin Chinstrap Penguin Rockhopper Penguin (Rocky) Macaroni Penguin Royal Penguin Snares Crested Penguin Erect-crested Penguin Magellanic Penguin (Jackass) Aptenodytes patagonicus Aptenodytes forsteri Pygoscelis papua papua Pygoscelis adeliae Pygoscelis antarctica Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome Eudyptes chrysolophus Eudyptes (chrysolophus ...

Falklands Penguins
Volunteer Beach: Aspects of Breeding Biology Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) The Rockhopper Penguin is noisy, quarrelsome and the smallest penguin breeding in the Falklands. It is adept ... important to the health of the species generally. Macaroni Penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) The Macaroni is the most numerous penguin species in the world (population about nine million). ...

Threatened Birds of New Zealand
Eudyptes pachyrhynchus Fiordland crested penguin Falco novaeseelandiae New Zealand falcon Gallirallus australis greyi North Island weka Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae New Zealand pigeon, kereru, kukupa Megadyptes antipodes Yellow-eyed penguin, hoiho Mohoua ...