Results 1 - 10 from 59 for pelagic sharks in 0.231 sec.
The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks
Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks Basking Sharks - Cetorhinus maximus RESEARCH Basking shark tagging efforts... Photo: Pelagic Shark Research Foundation DESCRIPTION The basking shark ... while there may be no large scale commercial fisheries for basking sharks, several dead basking sharks have been discovered in recent years after the fins had been ...
The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks
Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks Blue Sharks Prionace glauca RESEARCH Blue shark tagging efforts... Photo: Pelagic Shark Research Foundation DESCRIPTION The Blue shark represents the archetypal Pelagic ...
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The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks
Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks Thresher Sharks - Alopias sp. Thresher sharks are easily recognized by their enormously long caudal fins, comprising half of the total body ... even later. All three species are poorly understood, especially the pelagic thresher and the big eye thresher. These sharks are presumed to live at least 20 years or more. They ...
The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks
Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks Salmon Sharks - Lamna ditropis The salmon shark, Lamna ditropis, is a robust, fast moving pelagic predator occurring on both sides of the ... a very wide temperature gradient. Salmon sharks have been documented at depths of 668 m. The salmon shark is a coastal-littoral and pelagic shark that ranges close inshore to ...
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NCMC Conservation News - effectiveness of longline time and area closures in US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico meant to conserve swordfish, sailfish, marlin, dolphin and sharks
US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico meant to conserve swordfish, sailfish, marlin, dolphin and sharks home about us conservation news position statements action items e-mail action network our supporters ... -47.5% Blue marlin -50.3% Sailfish -74.6% Dolphin -47.2% Large coastal sharks -27.9% Pelagic sharks -55.9% The reductions in bycatch observed after three full years of the closures ...
sharks blog
Sharks increasingly endangered as finning, overfishing take toll(2/23/2007) Scientists added several species of pelagic sharks to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species after research found them to be more endangered than previously thought. Three species of thresher sharks were listed ...
Marine Conservation News - NCMC Opposes Flawed Longline Research Plan in closed areas meant to conserve swordfish, sailfish, marlin, sharks, tuna and dolphin
Although circle hooks have been shown effective in reducing bycatch of some species, especially ... 47.5% Blue marlin -50.3% Sailfish -74.6% Dolphin -47.2% Large coastal sharks -27.9% Pelagic sharks -55.9% These bycatch reduction rates are the standard against which the performance ...
Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
Produce basic and applied studies on the biology, ecology and behavior of coastal and pelagic elasmobranchs. Actively engage in promoting the goals of international elasmobranch conservation. Conduct studies on the systematics, zoogeography and evolutionary relationships of sharks. Investigate ...
Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
Student Poster Award" Research Program Seeks Boat Donation Shark Depredation and Unwanted Bycatch in Pelagic Longline Fisheries: Industry Practices and Attitudes and Shark Avoidance Strategies FPSR The Florida ... : Pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus) by Doug Perrine © White Shark The white shark is the largest predatory shark. It is also the most recognized, feared and admired of the sharks. ...
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Sharks in Australian waters - Marine Species Conservation
Sharks and Their Relatives Sharks and Rays in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Sharks in the news Sharks of Hawaii Shark Research Institute Sharks species biological profiles The Pelagic Shark Foundation White shark trust World of Sharks ...
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