pelagic longline fishery

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National Coalition for Marine Conservation's position statements on current fishery management issues such as longline fisheries, offshore aquaculture, marine protected areas and ecosystem-based management
Request more information about this issue. SUMMER FLOUNDER REBUILDING The NCMC does ... to reject a proposal by the commercial fishing industry to permit a new pelagic longline fishery off the west coast. The plan contains other precautionary measures to prevent overfishing ... - FishNet USA #28 (September 27, 2005) - Nils Stolpe
Using the latest bycatch reduction gear and techniques, which are mandatory in the pelagic longline fishery, ...

Marine Turtle Publications - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Western North Atlantic. U.S ... Williams, Phil, Paul J. Anninos, Pamela T. Plotkin, and Karen L. Salvini (Compilers). 1996. Pelagic longline fishery-sea turtle interactions [602 KB]: Proceedings of tan industry, academic, and government experts, ...

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department: Felipe Carvalho
Time-On-Line In Shark Catches In A Pelagic Longline Fishery In The Southwestern Atlantic Ocean The incidental mortality of sharks due to longline fishing has been widely held responsible for declining populations ...

Anatomy of an anti-fishing campaign
U.S. fishery. Their efforts have also provided the foundation for an outreach program by NMFS aimed at the international pelagic longline fleet. (5) Though they make up a small fishery with severely limited ... fishermen with "people") writes about using the gear and techniques developed by the U.S. pelagic longline fishery on a Spanish swordfish longliner. But of course she gives no credit to the U ...

Short-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take Reduction Team to address bycatch of both short-finned and long-finned pilot whales in the mid-Atlantic region of the Atlantic pelagic longline fishery. The Team submitted their recommendations to NMFS in 2006. A proposed rule to implement the pelagic longline take reduction plan was published ...

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
Poster Award" Research Program Seeks Boat Donation Shark Depredation and Unwanted Bycatch in Pelagic Longline Fisheries: Industry Practices and Attitudes and Shark Avoidance Strategies FPSR The Florida ... gather data on the biology, ecology, and behavior of elasmobranchs needed for enlightened fishery management. AES The American Elasmobranch Society (AES) is a professional scientific society ...

The regulations should apply not only to the 400 crew members in the Hawaii longline fishery, but also to the ika-shibi hand line and other fishers who are known to ... these plans and time line, the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council is examining options to amend the fishery management plan that regulates pelagic shark species in the exclusive economic zone (generally, 3 ...

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Migratory Bird Management, FAO Consultation on Reduction of Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries.
CCSBT adopted the recommendation relating to ecologically related species especially the incidental mortality of seabird by longline fishing ... is considering adopting regulations for its halibut fishery. The US is currently considering seabird bycatch mitigation measures in the Hawaiian pelagic longline fisheries. One of the objectives of ...

Marine Conservation News - NCMC Opposes Flawed Longline Research Plan in closed areas meant to conserve swordfish, sailfish, marlin, sharks, tuna and dolphin
The National Coalition for Marine Conservation opposes issuance of exempted fishing permits (EFPs) for 13 pelagic longline vessels to fish in the Florida East Coast and Charleston Bump closed areas. At an ... -up. Berkeley and Edwards (1998) used hook-timers in the Gulf of Mexico yellowfin tuna longline fishery to compare mortality with the time the fish spent on the hook. The tuna longliners ...

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