pcbs and dde

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Results 1 - 10 from 11 for pcbs and dde in 0.332 sec.

Our Stolen Future: The epidemiology of breast cancer
Studies of organochlorines show contradictory results. Older studies of PCBs and DDE found higher levels in breast-cancer patients than controls, but newer, larger studies ... to note (which Sasco does not, that the persistent PCBs and DDE measured in these studies are not xenoestrogens, but instead anti-estrogens and anti-androgens, respectively. Thus negative findings with ...

Our Stolen Future: Adult PCB and DDE not associated with rise in breast cancer risk
FE Speizer and MS Wolff. 1997. Plasma organochlorine levels and the risk of breast cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 337:1253-8. This study indicates that PCBs and DDE contamination levels in ... , that PCBs and DDE (or its parent compound, DDT) are absolved of involvement in the causation of breast cancer. The study examines only the relationship between adult contamination levels and risk. It ...

Our Stolen Future: A list of endocrine-disrupting compounds
Krishnan and Safe 1993 Klinge et al. 1999 Octachlorostyrene Thyroid Sandan et al. 2000 PBBs Estrogen/ Thyroid Bahn et al. 1980 Henderson et al. 1995 PCBs (in order ... . 2001 DDT Metabolite, p,p'-DDE Androgen Inhibits androgen binding to the androgen receptor, androgen-induced transcriptional activity, and androgen action in developing, pubertal and adult male rats. Kelce 1995 Dicofol ...

EHP: Volume 109, Number 7 July 2001
Uranium Cycle Facilities and Nuclear Power Plants in Spain Gonzalo López-Abente, Nuria Aragonés, and Marina Pollán p. 721 [HTML] [ PDF] Availability of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Lindane for Uptake ... A. M. Sips, and John P. Groten p. 731 [HTML] [ PDF] Modulatory Effects of Neonatal Exposure to TCDD, or a Mixture of PCBs, p,p´-DDT, and p-p´-DDE, on Methylnitrosourea-Induced Mammary ...

People of Color Battle Toxics in Communities Across the U.S.
They were banned from use in 1976. PCBs are especially worrisome because of their durability and tendency to work their way up the food chain into plants and animals. Investigation and ... PCBs and left them exposed to the river currents. 50 ppm PCBs are considered hazardous waste under state and ... exposure to p,p´-DDE, hexachlorobenzene, and dieldrin. The relative risk ( ...

Our Great Lakes -
PCBs, DDE (a residue of the pesticide DDT), and the heavy metals lead and mercury. Although DDT was banned in North America in the 1970s, it persists in the environment, and PCBs are still used in some old electrical equipment, which periodically leaks. Lead is used in hunting and fishing equipment, and mercury is released into the ...

ReSource - Weekly Musings: Correspondence on Sludge
Components, such as, PCBs [polychlorinated biphenyls]; dioxins and furans; chlorinated pesticides [such as DDT, DDD, DDE, dieldrin, aldrin, endrin, chlordane, heptachlor, lindane, mirex, kepone, 2,4,5-T, and 2,4-D]; ... it should not be a great surprise that all of us have such chemicals as PCBs and dioxins in our bodies for the same type of reason. Succeeding in preventing sewage sludge ...

NEUROTOXICOLOGY AND TERATOLOGY Vol. 12 (1990), pgs. 239-248. [7] Joseph L. Jacobson and others, "Effects of Exposure to PCBs and Related Compounds on Growth and Activity in Children," NEUROTOXICOLOGY AND TERATOLOGY ... lake michigan; fish; estrogen; testosterone; florida panther; undescended testicles; cryptorchidism; sperm; rats; dioxin; ddt; dde; dicophol; western gulls; santa barbara island; ca; ...

Ecology's PBT Initiative
Examples of PBTs include methylmercury, PCBs, DDT and dioxin. These types of toxic chemicals raise special challenges for our society and the environment because: They are durable and ...

Our Stolen Future: PCBs impair disease resistance in Inuit children
Our Stolen Future: PCBs impair disease resistance in Inuit children Navigate the site Newest developments Book Basics New Science ... for the Inuit infants susceptibility to ear infections. The associations between inner ear and exposures were most consistent for DDE and HCB, but concentrations of the OCs in general were highly correlated with ...

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