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PBC Database contains less than half of the total 3,141 county high points in the book. In the many cases where a county has multiple high points, the PBC Database ... uses Clean Prominence for prominence-based lists, not optimistic prominence PBC Database The Database (PBC Database) is a large, complex computer database that stores information on over 12,000 mountain peaks, 2000 ...
Congress Congressional E-Mail addresses. How to find your representatives address CONSERVATION DATABASE for Lorises (Loris, Nycticebus) and Pottos (Arctocebus, Perodicticus), Prosimian Primates Eco-Portal - the ... /2008/pc Masters Primate Biology and Conservation Master’s program in International Nature Conservation. Ecotourism ...
IPEN NewsLetter July
The 12th International Conference of the Pacific Basin Consortium (PBC) for Environment and Health Sciences: Environment & Health in the 21st Century, Peking University ... toxic, non-incineration, waste management, POPs, database In the article a database of alternative non-incineration waste management technologies is presented. The database incorporates technologies for neutralisation and ...
CHRIS codes in the ERNS 1982-2002 database. "Official" CHRIS codes are those listed in the CHRIS code manual, "Unofficial or invalid" ones are in the database either because of specialized use at the National Response Center, or ... 17,262 OXA Oxalic acid Official 4 OXY Oxygen Official 55 PBC PCB Unofficial or invalid 3 PNO Palm kernel acid oil Official ...