pay the price

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The masses: a cornered animal
Bureaucrats and politicians approving the wholesale loss of natural habitat and our clean air and water will pay the price of being physically removed from their offices. This will all be done with a minimum of violence, so that we do not end up aping the incompetent ...

Continuing the debate over plastic pipes
DIANE TAKVORIAN National City February 24, 2007 Writing as executive director of the Environmental Health Coalition, the editorial, "Fake Greens/From pipes to bayfront, unions strike a pose" (Feb. ... (union or not) are the ones who pay the price. We are proud of our local labor leaders for seeing these important issues from a holistic view and rejecting the false premise that environmental ...

Friends of the Earth: Press Release: BUSH RATS ON CLIMATE TREATY
Kyoto Treaty is grim news. When the Hague talks collapsed last year because of US intransigence, Friends of the Earth warned that the world would pay the price in tears. Millions of people - in the ...

"Quicksand and the Lone Tree" from Sahara Challenge
At night in the cold they become more or less compact near the surface, but under the heat of the sun, as the grains expand, the surface becomes more fluffy and the resistance is reduced. Any ... came to the isolated oasis of In Guezzam. Huge tamarisks shelter the shallow well of precious water. The rest-house keeper lives by this well and travelers have no choice but to pay the price he ...

In fact, the cost of Bakun's electricity will be the most expensive in Malaysia's history, and will almost certainly necessitate electricity price rises, meaning the ... will be a case of the Malaysian people, through higher electricity prices, heavy government subsidies, and loss of homes and lifestyles, who will pay the price for the Bakun dam. TAKE ACTION ...

Foreign Affairs - The Great Leap Backward? - Elizabeth C. Economy
China will continue to have one of the world's worst environmental records, and the Chinese people and the rest of the world will pay the price. SINS OF EMISSION China's rapid development, often touted as an economic miracle, has become an environmental disaster. Record growth necessarily requires the ...

new publications — Friends of the Earth International
Sign up to our new monthly e-news, Voices of the Earth! insite Info new publications The latest Friends of the Earth International publications. order a year's worth of surprises! ... and workers around the world pay the price of ArcelorMittal's success. may 2008 Download the full report as pdf here who benefits from gm crops? the rise in pesticide use january 2008 Download the full report ...

dismantle the power of corporations, build people's power — Friends of the Earth International
See the newspaper advert signed by 67,000 people - Listen to the podcast Peoples' referendum on open pit gold mining, in Huehuetenango, Guatemala Shell AGM: continued pollution - communities pay the price A Pipe Down Our Throats - series on the ... More from this site

Ahead of CITES COP, the disinformation begins
If we care so much for these charismatic creatures then more radical ideas are needed, and we should not make locals pay the price for our love of the tiger. In India, more than three million people live inside the ... compassionate humans the world over: that tigers, and all wildlife, have intrinsic value unrelated to the price tag ...

Masalai i Tokaut - The Archives
PNGFA to vital revenue) and to change their decision of December and to allocate the whole timber area to Marhow. When the ...

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