Results 1 - 10 from 535 for pay existing in 0.415 sec. - Section Reporter
County’s central sewage system and pay the “impact fees” associated with the mandated ... existing indebtedness, which would benefit existing customers, rather than use those monies to absorb the impact of new hookups. The County asserted that it was necessary to pay existing ... an impact fee could never be used to pay existing indebtedness or that the amount of the impact fee ...
That is, we are willing to pay to keep the option of using the resource at some ... point to remember with biotechnology is that scientists are just relocating existing genetic material, not creating new genes. Therefore, any future advances ...
Algarve Environment
Sponsors pay for your donation. It's 100% free to you. Feed the ... study to avoid this critical zone by following the route of the existing N2 highway to Sao Bras de Alportel and the IP1. The ... suggested that the final leg of the motorway should run along the existing IP1 corridor and join the trans-Algarve Via do Infante near Albufeira, ...
Robert Gilman - Mondragón: The Remarkable Achievement
All new worker-members must contribute ... all the worker-members, they restrict the range of highest pay to lowest pay to an effective ratio of 4.5 to 1. ... the creation of new cooperatives and provide management assistance to the existing ones, especially when they are making any major changes such ...
COPA, Inc.
Monroe county, burn the new garbage, old garbage and PCB contaminated soil from existing landfills and when done haul the hazardous ash to a newly constructed hazardous waste landfill ... fees from the county for the garbage they brought to the incinerator, thereby helping to pay for the incinerator and cleanup. Citizens and environmental groups had fought the incinerator and Consent ...
Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and
Environment (CSE)
They can cultivate in the area but have to pay rent! "The price quoted by the firm for carbon credits was a ridiculously low rate ... carbon dioxide equivalent will be claimed for storing carbon dioxide in plantations established to replace existing ones, as well as for using charcoal instead of coal. The point is: who does ...
The Rainwater Harvesting Community ::
The technical considerations for a drip system are: I) existing pipe size 2) gallons per minute available (also known as your water volume), 3) p ... examples, stories, data and illustrations. Before You Harvest - Conserve by Doug Pushard Water conservation can pay big dividends. Not only can it save you money every month, it reduces your impact ...
Welcome to the Scituate, Rhode Island Land Trust
To the Town of Scituate, however, there was a significant price to pay. Schools, churches, and a railroad were flooded along with 300+ houses, 200+ barns ...
John and Nancy Jack Todd - The Restoration Of Waters
We've built smaller facilities in Marion, Massachusetts, and Muncy ... , we believe that the technology can be added on to some existing treatment plants to improve them, provided they reduce some of their ... we cost about the same or more, because we tend to pay people fairly well. But we don't have to buy $800 ...
Looking For End Of Year Tax Savings? Energy Efficiency Home Improvements Can Pay Big
For End Of Year Tax Savings? Energy Efficiency Home Improvements Can Pay Big Alexandria, VA (October 30, 2006) As the end of ... comfort and make other energy efficiency improvements like more efficient furnaces pay off faster. “Encouraging consumers to improve the energy efficiency ... under-insulated or not insulated at all. The tax credit for existing homes is for 10 percent of the final cost of ...
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