participating entities

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Energy Policy Insider - A Publication of Fresh Energy
In this year's legislative session ...

KCGIS Spatial Data Catalog
These data sharing arrangements allow both King County and participating entities to use each other's data, making GIS a more effective information and mapping tool ...

IOC IHO IBCWIO-International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean
(IOCINCWIO) and in their marine scientific communities. 2.3 CO-ORDINATION Identify the participating entities (institutions, individual scientists and experts), keep them informed of the actions that ... by the other participating entities, so as to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and to optimize results. 2.4 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ADVICE Advise the participating entities, as appropriate, of ...

Prospectus for technology centers to collect and share biodiversity information
Our search engine, for example, presently enables participating Websites to retrieve and serve pages on over 200,000 species. This and ... some information about biodiversity. Large sites run by herbaria, museums, universities, and other entities include Animal Diversity Web, ARKive, Ecoport, ETI, GenBank, NatureServe, Tree of Life, and Wikipedia ...

Herb Haynes Buys 12,500 acres of Key East Branch Lands
Herb Haynes and his three children work together, and there are several corporate entities that operate different aspects of the business, from timber cutting to subdivision sales. The ... Charles FitzGerald, have expressed their interest in purchasing some of the lands themselves or participating with the state and TPL. FitzGerald recently became the new owner of Katahdin Lake ...

Nisqually River Management Program
Plan progresses, certain plan elements may be addressed through acts of the participating agencies, the advisory committee, or other entities such as an optional 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Description of Members ...

Water/Wastewater Initiatives | Environmental Management Systems | US EPA
These early pioneers realized a number of important benefits as a result of participating in this ground breaking effort, including reduced costs, better understanding of legal requirements, and ... Environmental Management System Pilot Program for Local Government Entities (1997-1999) (PDF) (136 pp, 2 M). Second EMS Initiative for Government Entities Based on the success of the first project, ...

UN Organizations
United Nations conventions and other entities within the UN system. Other organizations outside of the United Nations are partners ... the United Nations System of Organisations UNIONS - System to search all Web Sites participating in the United Nations International Organisations Network Search scheme Cross-agency and Thematic ...

ISSG's Global Invasive Species Database
The designation of geographical entities do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of ISSG, SSC, IUCN, GISP, or other participating organisations concerning the legal status of ...

Mono Lake FAQ
Third, the Committee plays an important facilitative role with the many local entities in the Mono Basin: with the DWP, which has been charged with the responsibility ... classsroom education. In Los Angeles, Committee staff provide in-class programs and help prepare groups participating in the Outdoor Experiences program. At Mono Lake, Committee staff work with teachers to ...

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