park managers

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Results 1 - 10 from 403 for park managers in 0.307 sec.

Yellowstone Fires
Yellowstone National Park was established in 1872. Like today, many of the wildland fires were caused by lightning. In the first half of the twentieth century, most park managers and visitors considered the fires to be destructive to the Park. For this reason, the National Park Service had a general policy of putting out all fires on national park lands. In ...

IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)/Features
Find out what Chromolaena looks like. Contact your local WFW project managers if you need help with identification. Remove the weed from your garden if you ...

Sanctuary Asia - Interviews
Bank agrees that this project has not fulfilled its intent. Bittu, the problem is that park managers cannot possibly become social activists, finance experts and sociologists all rolled into one. To solve ... . When there is any problem outside the Protected Area, the Project Tiger Field Directors, or park managers become the single point of blame, which I think is unfair. And still you struggle ...

Sanctuary Asia - Interviews
If scientists were given charge of managing villagers, bureaucrats and politicians for one year, their attitude towards park managers might change. What would you ... . We need a whole programme with botanists, zoologists and field biologists working together with park managers to solve these problems effectively. The magical return of large flocks of Sibes tomorrow ... More from this site

The Mountain Institute - Makalu-Barun Conservation Program
Himalayan boundaries resulting from trans-boundary exchanges among park managers from the Tibet Autonomous Region, China, Nepal, and India In its first four ... , locally-based ecotourism; and Participate in trans-boundary exchanges including Himalayan protected area managers. Partners Return to top Local communities, organizations, and user groups Department of ...

CNPSR Sends Letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer and Congresswoman Capps on Channel Islands NP. | The Coalition of National Park Service Retirees
National Park Service, many of whom were senior leaders and received awards for stewardship of our country's natural and cultural resources. As park managers, rangers and employees ... our members former Directors and Regional Directors of the National Park Service as well as numerous other senior level managers who had significant field assignments within our System of National ...

Vin Cipola, National Park Foundation President and CEO, Centennial Fund Testimony | The Coalition of National Park Service Retirees
Motor Company has helped place PhD students in parks across the system to help park managers understand and find solutions to challenging transportation issues. American Airlines has helped us fund ... to work collaboratively and creatively to develop fundraising campaigns that affect the entire park system. The National Park Foundation is prepared to take the necessary national leadership role to ... More from this site

Vehicular Access Restricted in Baxter Park Scientific Forest Management Area
Subjectively, it seems clear to use as managers that vehicle access has an effect on hunting and trapping pressure on the SFMA," he ... a 100th year celebration being planned by Friends of Baxter State Park, an independent park advocacy organization. Gov. Baxter first visited the park with his father on a fishing trip to Kidney Pond ...

Baxter Park Authority Approves Access Restrictions, Increase in Visitor Fees
That prescient move by the trust managers has protected the park from a more serious financial bind. Still, understaffing ... committee the go-ahead to further develop ways to improve the park’s reservation system. Overnight accommodations at the park are limited, and demand is increasing. The current practice allows ... More from this site

Great River Greening | Projects | Spring Lake Park
Projects | Spring Lake Park contact us publications news New Projects: Heritage Park Xcel High Bridge Plant Crosby Park West Side Bluffs Ford Motor Company River Park, Brooklyn Park Flint Hills Natural ... SPRING LAKE PARK - DRY PRAIRIE AND BLUFF PRAIRIE RESTORATION This Dakota County Regional Park contains rare and high-quality prairie remnants. GRG is helping county land managers keep these ...

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