parasites and diseases

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Results 1 - 10 from 152 for parasites and diseases in 0.287 sec.

Why Invasive Species Succeed: Florida Environment Radio
In the latest research on invasive plants and animals, scientists have proven the link between successful invaders and their escape from the parasites and diseases that kept them in check in their native lands. Mark Torchin is co-author of one of the new studies, which he says demonstrates that parasites ...

Hawaii's terrestrial ecosystems: preservation and management
Christensen Protection Status of the Native Hawaiian Biota (p. 127) E. Alan Holt and Barrie Fox Status, Research, and Management Needs of the Native Hawaiian Biota: A Summary (p. 142) Stephen ... Stone A Summary of Known Parasites and Diseases Recorded from the Avifauna of the Hawaiian Islands (p. 298) Sandra G. van Riper and Charles van Riper III Status Research and Management Needs for Alien Biota ...

ECNT » Current Campaigns » Marine & Coastal » Aquaculture Concerns
Parasites and diseases In crowded net pens pathogenic organisms can reach epidemic proportions, which in wild populations occur at low levels. Disease and parasites can be transferred ...

Habitat Media - interview transcript
The concerns we have about salmon aquaculture are many. I am very concerned about the effects in the environment of these fish: the parasites and diseases they ... communities, there are very few other employment opportunities if you live out on the coast and salmon farming threatens that. It undermines the integrity of our rural communities who have so ...

Techniques to control and manage tree squirrel damage
During periods of high populations, squirrels--espe-cially gray squirrels--may go on mass emigrations. At such times many animals die. Fox and gray squirrels are vulnerable to numerous parasites and diseases. Ticks, mange mites, fleas, and internal parasites are common. Squirrel hunters often ...

Monterey Bay Aquarium: Sea Otter Research and Conservation Program - Research
Meet a Volunteer Tracker Counting Wild Otters Each spring and fall, our volunteer trackers and staff join with ... and development from the otters in our rehabilitation program. By taking blood samples from wild otters, we can track the health of that population. We're also learning to recognize and treat parasites and diseases ...

Farmed and Dangerous - Organic Farmed Salmon?
Canada. These products either make unsubstantiated claims or are imported from countries that allow certain practices (such as the use of open net-cages, and chemicals to control parasites and diseases ...

Composting for Farm and Garden
The soil becomes Friable taking water well, and holding it better, thus reducing irrigation requirements by as much as one third. Weeds become easier to control and diseases and insects, ...

Tips and Tricks
Even if your pet is deemed fine, it is always best to err on the side of caution. ALWAYS wash your iguana's dishes and cage ... hyperparathyroidism) and MBD (metabolic bone disease) will have more brittle bones and will suffer fractures and other bone deformities. Even a mature iguana, many years after surviving these dietary diseases, can fracture ...

WWF - Aquaculture problems: Parasites and disease
Parasites and disease Salmon lice on farmed salmon, Norway. © WWF-Canon / Jo BENN Aquaculture operations can spread parasites and disease to wild marine species. For example, the migration of wild salmon between fresh and ... fjord because of sea lice infections. Wild fish can also be exposed to viruses and other diseases through the use of imported, unprocessed fish to feed farmed fish. This problem ...

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