pant hoot

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The Jane Goodall Institute
Each individual has his or her own distinctive pant-hoot, so that the caller can be identified with precision. A loud, long, savage-sounding wraaaa ... may approach with submissive signals - crouching, presenting the rump, hold the hand out - accompanied by pant-grunts or squeaks. In response, the dominant individual is likely to make gestures of reassurance ...

The Jane Goodall Institute
Within the community a male hierarchy, ordered more or less in linear fashion, establishes social ... More from this site

Within minutes, Freud's deep roar pant-hoot echoed up the valley from the west. I ran in the ... ridge top. When they arrived, they called with food excitement grunts and pant- hoots. I was impressed with the deep tone of Ferdinand's voice ... him. Ferdinand continued to lead and the two bristled and issued roar pant-hoots as they neared a tree with a large buttress. They ...

Pant-hoots The pant-hoot is a loud call; observers routinely hear chimpanzees pant-hooting over a mile away in dense forest. High-ranking adult males pant-hoot most frequently. Females sometimes produce pant-hoots on their own and often join in a chorus of pant-hoots when others are calling. Chimpanzees pant-hoot in a ... More from this site

Friends of Washoe: History - May 7, 1993 - The Chimpanzees Move to The Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute, Located on the Campus of Central Washington Univeristy
Ellensburg. Then he turned toward us and let out a loud pant-hoot of happiness. Washoe was the next one out. She stood upright and surveyed the terraces ... his feet touched the earth for the first time since he was a baby. Dar pant-hooted loudly, took a running leap off the deck, and jumped eight feet to the ...

The Jane Goodall Institute
One of the chimpanzee calls is the "pant-hoot." Each individual has his or her own distinctive pant-hoot, so that the chimp can be identified with precision. Chimpanzees laugh ...

The Jane Goodall Institute
Crying rage or distress Arrival pant-hoot excitement Did you know? Each individual chimp has his or her own distinct pant-hoot. This means that other chimpanzees can tell who is ... More from this site : great apes : common chimpanzee : Pan troglodytes
(Nishida and Hiraiwa-Hasegawa, 1987). VOCAL COMMUNICATION pant-hoot: This is consists of a series of loud calls which ... a response to charging display (Nishida and Hiraiwa-Hasegawa, 1987). pant-grunt: This consists of a series of soft, low grunts ... or throwing objects such as branches or stones and/or pant-hooting, drumming, slapping, stamping, and screaming (Estes, 1991). This ...