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The Jane Goodall Institute
David Greybeard, lost his fear. He even went to her camp to feast on oil palm nuts, and "stole" some bananas. Gradually his calm acceptance of Jane convinced the other chimps that ...
News and Events
News Archives) Palm-oil producers wary of subsidies [17 April 2002] Palm-oil crushers warn that any increase in the price of palm nuts will lead to a flood of cheaper crude palm oil from Malaysia. The manufacturers are worried that the move by Commerce Minister Adisai Bodharamik to raise the price of palm nuts to ...
One was a large black boar with impressive tusks. When they moved away, I followed them to a clearing where they stopped to eat more palm nuts ... the big boar, who chased her away from the fallen palm kernels. Eventually, the pigs moved up the valley and I ... make physical contact. After another stop in another stand of oil palm trees, the group of males traveled up the steep southern slope ...
Friends of Washoe: Free-Living Chimpanzees - Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania
Whereas the Gombe chimpanzees rely heavily on palm nuts, the Mahale chimpanzees eat no part of the palm tree. Mahale also has a much richer population of plant species ...
Habitats range from semi-deciduous and evergreen forest to palm woodlands and seasonally flooded grasslands with scattered clumps of ... Macaws in this area eat only one food, the nuts of the Acuri Palm trees. This solo diet makes habitat conservation even more ... Macaws eating the outside pulp or "mesocarp" surrounding the palm nuts. This palm island was an area of approximately five acres, with ...
The same bird who has ... trees, macaws on the ground, close-ups of macaws cracking palm nuts for their breakfast. The contrast between cobalt feathers and ... palm nuts we gathered the night before. With deft fingers, they peel thin strips from palm fronds and braid them into cords, looping them around nuts ...
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Terrestrial Ecoregions -- Purus-Madeira moist forests (NT0157)
Sohnreyia tree, a palm pit viper is poised for a strike as a tegus lizard approaches. A chestnut-fronted macaw clings to palm fronds as it reaches in to pluck ripe palm nuts ... : great apes : common chimpanzee : Pan troglodytes
ECOLOGY The common chimpanzee is a frugivorous species, but will also consume seeds, nuts, flowers, leaves, pith, honey, insects, eggs, and vertebrates, including monkeys. During the dry season when ... tools to extract insects and to crack open nuts. The western common chimpanzee will use a hammer-anvil system to crack open oil-palm nuts (Estes, 1991). They first select a stone with ...
Rare Species Conservatory - Feathered Facts
Brazil and palm nuts. Parrots use their feet as we use our hands to hold and manipulate nuts, fruit and seeds. ... they use their rubbery tongue like a thumb to help pop nuts out of their shells. Clean up on Buffalo #3... What in ... helpless. They rely 100% on their parents to feed them regurgitated fruits, nuts and seeds around the clock. By the way, regurgitate means--um-- ...
Tool use includes pounding of nuts and hard shells with sticks and stone hammers, probing for honey and insects with twigs ... Ivory Coast, it takes them ten years to efficiently use hammers and anvils to open palm nuts. A nut must be hit at just the right angle and hard enough to crack ...
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