pacific lowlands

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ITEC Faculty
Dr. Bennett also examined plant use of the Chachi, who live in the Pacific lowlands of Ecuador. Dr. Bennett's research and education has taken him to Argentina, Brazil, Chile ...

Costa Rica - Birds
Caribbean lowlands, and the interior highlands. Guanacaste's dry habitats share relatively few species with other parts of the country. The southern Pacific lowland region is ...

Costa Rica - Mammals
The cebus monkey’s habitat is ample, since they live in rainy lowlands as well as in dry forests. Two main places for spotting them are the Santa ... so gregarious that they even forage with groups of capuchin monkeys. They inhabit the Southern Pacific lowlands. Last but not least, the biggest primate in Costa Rica is the howler monkey; it ... More from this site

Costa Rica. Nicaragua has three distinct geographical regions: the Pacific Lowlands, the North-Central Mountains and the Mosquito Coast. The Pacific Lowlands are in the west of the country, and consist of a ... The North-Central mountain area is an upland region away from the Pacific coast, with a cooler climate than the Pacific Lowlands. About a quarter of the country's agriculture takes place in ...

ASM | Mammals of Washington
Didelphidae Virginia opossum Didelphis virginiana C, Irr lowlands and western portion of state W,B: 4, 630; 828-830 40 wooded habitats INSECTIVORA Soricidae Pacific water shrew Sorex bendirii western WA, lower ... 727, 728 387 moist forests and woods with dense undergrowth Townsend shrew-mole Scapanus townsendii lowlands of western WA, moist meadows and field, river bottoms, Olympics 434 3 Coast mole ... - Tectonic Landforms of New Zealand
Southern Alps The Southern Alps rise abruptly from the lowlands and coastal plains of the west coast. The sharp limit between lowlands and mountain is further enhanced by the Alpine Fault ... Wellington lies within the Axial Tectonic Belt, where most of the relative motion between the Pacific and Australian tectinic plates is absorbed, and which continues further north-east through the main ...

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
This is particularly so in the Hawaiian lowlands and throughout the southern part of Florida, which are the regions most affected by ... ground-nesting species. The predatory snail Euglandina rosea, introduced to the Hawaiian and many other Pacific islands in a futile attempt to control the giant African snail, has devastated populations ... - National Parks of New Zealand - Westland National Park
Alpine Fault, which marks the overland boundary between the Pacific tectonic plate (carrying the Southern Alps) and the Australian tectonic plate (carrying the lowlands and coast). The plates slide past each other along the fault, but during the last 7 million years compression along the fault has resulted in the Pacific plate ...

Home Page of IPCA - The Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance
Pacific region. Our current field projects are located in Indonesia and New Guinea. Our main program is with the Asmat community of southwestern Papua, Indonesia, in the vast lowlands of Lorentz National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the largest and most diverse protected area in the Asia-Pacific. Our conservation successes include ...

Asmat Program, Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance
Aceh Products Newsletters Factsheets Reports Proposals & Budgets Presentations Links & Resources Links Maps Indo-Pacific Biodiversity What's New ? News Updates Partners/Sponsors Partners Sponsors Donate Now Learn ... -Driven Conservation and Strengthening Local Cultural Institutions in Asmat and the Greater Lorentz Lowlands, Papua Province, Indonesia IPCA's main project is located in the Asmat area ... More from this site

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