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Hydrologic Solutions, Inc. - Environmental & Ecological Consulting - StormChamber Technology
The Town of Kure Beach has long desired a way to eliminate 18 ocean outfall pipes that drain storm water runoff onto the beach and into the ocean. Over the next ... weeks the Town’s Public Works Department will be installing an alternative to the old outfall pipes near L. and M. Avenues along the oceanfront. The new system was designed by the ...
EcoWaters Projects
Imagine a future in which gardens, greenhouses and groves of trees replace sewage outfall pipes and leachfields. Sewage will grow ecological tree plantations that provide fuel, fiber, construction materials, wildlife ...
Reusing the Resource
X Imagine a future in which gardens, greenhouses and groves of trees replace sewage outfall pipes and leachfields. Treated sewage fertilizes ecological tree plantations that provide fuel, fiber, construction materials, wildlife ...
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Waste not, want not - untreated sewage in Saint John Harbour
Saint John Harbour, Marsh Creek, Dukhman’s Creek or the St. John ... Halifax and St. John’s, Newfoundland). No Federal funding or commitment was announced. ======= Marsh Creek outfall ======= (photo: Gordon Dalzell) This City is actively engaged in Harbour Front Development planning, and it ...
Broward County Dredge and Fill
Cooling tower outfall pipes that pump millions of gallons of water 24 hours a day / 7days a week into ...
ReSource - Trouble in the Water
For instance, egg sacks on male fish have been observed near sewage outfall pipes in rivers studied in the United Kingdom. Another troubling effect is that endocrine disruptors can ...
RELI GCRA OVERVIEW FAQ NEWS ARTICLES PHOTOS REEF ISSUES RESTORATION PAPERS LINKS OCEAN OUTFALL BILL PROVIDES RELIEF TO SOUTH FLORIDA CORAL REEFS AND WATER SUPPLY Contact: Paul G. ... outfall pipes near coral reefs and coastal beaches. Reef Relief, with the cooperation of citizens, local and state governments, was successful in requiring advanced waste treatment and shutting down the ocean outfall ...
Hydro International Stormwater BMP Product Portfolio
Hydro SwaleGard® Inlet Control Device for Grassy Swales The Hydro ... petroleum hydrocarbons from highway runoff to enhance the performance of infiltration trenches and bioswales. Nettech™ Outfall Gross Pollutant Trap The Nettech is a gross pollutant trap (GPT) that can be ...
Orange County California Watershed
Nearshore Waters) and 3 miles from the shoreline Outfall opening at the end of a storm drain system that allows water to flow into ... prevent pollution at its origin. Storm Drain System a system which includes grates, gutters, underground pipes, creeks or open channels designed to transport rain from developed areas to a receiving body ...
The paper mill must periodically use slimicides to rid their pipes of the slime coatings which may end up in our bay. ... of 77,460 bacteria/100 mls water at the paper mill outfall after a rain. Klebsiella will register as a total coliform in ... when Friends of Perdido Bay was allowed to sample the International Paper outfall, we found that they were violating the total coliform state standard. ...
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