outcome driven

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Results 1 - 10 from 72 for outcome driven in 0.466 sec.

CoP-9 in Milan: A Fashionable Trend for Climate Agreements
LULUCF: Agreement on rules for LULUCF in CDM is the most anticipated outcome at CoP-9. I am agnostic about the inclusion of LULUCF in CDM, unless ... , most importantly, from the potential victims. This poses some problems. Traditional management of internationally-driven projects will bring conditionalities, for example, to employ "international consultants" from the donor countries. ...

Peace on Bougainville? (Do or Die)
Hundreds of soldiers smashed through the Jungle destroying villages- only to be driven back into the sea through it's own controlled territory. The Bougainvillean combination of ... the best trained and armed elite troops in the world Sandline (see 'Achieving an Executive Outcome' box on following page) promised in its contract to: "In particular provide personnel and related ...

IPCC Bogs & Fens of Ireland Conservation Plan 2005 - Campaign Action
EU grants and premia payments. Coillte now owns 435,000ha of land and manages ... after mounding. The peatland is fertilised, with a phosphorus rich fertiliser. Drainage is installed. The outcome is a fundamental change in the bog environment and major consequences for flora and fauna ...

MRF > Law & Policy > Documents > WSSD Plan
It also pledges support for other existing development frameworks that are owned and driven nationally by African countries and that embody poverty reduction strategies, including poverty reduction ... and partnerships with relevant stakeholders and mobilize resources for the effective implementation of the outcome of the African Process for the Protection and Development of the Marine and ...

It shows a monkey grabbing for fruit, a symbol of grasping and the outcome of the previous eight pictures in the circle. Here are the stages ... " seeking ways to satisfy our gnawing hungers. Pigs and ghosts I have driven here with a friend not only to see this mandala, but also ... the third circle; or we can choose not to meditate and be driven by the enemies within, which lead to chaos and the path of ...

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing each had a slightly different emphasis and outcome. But they reaffirmed the Cairo consensus that human development--and particularly, raising the status of ... Reagan administration was that market forces were far more powerful engines of development than socially-driven investments. A number of factors paved the way for a shift in the U.S ...

GM Potato Hoax : Future of GM Foods Rests on Lies
World Bank and W.T.O. driven trade liberalisation policies, of which the new Agricultural policies is a direct outcome. The policies of globalisation and trade liberalisation have created ...

Cross-Cutting Initiative - The Earth Institute at Columbia University
CCI, Earth Institute scholars are able to apply their expertise to theme-driven research in response to complex global challenges. The CCI aims to establish new methods ... theme addresses problems that are relevant on a global scale or are scalable. Outcome-Driven: Intellectual inquiry is outcome-driven. Examples include creating technologies that improve the quality of life, or using ...

CRC Reef Research Centre
Barrier Reef Research Foundation seeks to conserve and sustain coral reefs worldwide. It funds practical, outcome-driven research conducted by the world's leading tropical marine scientists and organisations in collaborative undertakings ...

Nursing | NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York, NY
NYUHJD are: Nursing care will be patient-oriented, relationship based, resource-efficient and outcome-driven. Standards and leadership behaviors will guide all members of the nursing care team in responsibilities ...

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