osama bin laden

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Results 1 - 10 from 37 for osama bin laden in 0.452 sec.

Books from the Earth Policy Institute
Iraq. Terrorism is certainly a matter of concern, but if Osama Bin Laden and his followers succeed in diverting our attention from the environmental trends that are undermining ...

Citizen petroleum councils: toward conservation, food security and peace
Saddam Hussein or the almost forgotten Osama bin Laden. Indeed, defense against violent threats do justify protective action in "the homeland" against overseas belligerent ...

Printed Matter -- David J. Dionisi -- Page
Dionisi has titled his book “American Hiroshima” after an al Qaeda plan he says Osama bin Laden is working on. This is the part where I hope Dionisi is wrong. (But who ...

For the Sake of Our Children
I said that I am more frightened of these large multinationals than I am of Osama bin Laden. I got a standing ovation from all the farmers in the room, but I got ...

For the Sake of Our Children
I said that I am more frightened of these large multinationals than I am of Osama bin Laden. I got a standing ovation from all the farmers in the room, but I got ... More from this site

Environmentalists Against War: Say No! to War
Osama bin Laden has, more than once, including after September 11, 2001, used that fact to rationalize his ...

Future 500: Staff and Board
FBI, focusing on Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, some of which is chronicled in the book Losing bin Laden by Richard Miniter (2003), as well as Vanity Fair’s ‘The Secret bin Laden Files’ by David ...

CODEPINK's Most Wanted Campaign Targets Luis Posada Carriles for Terrorism
Yet Posada Carriles—known as the Osama bin Laden of Latin America—lives freely in Miami," says Medea Benjamin, cofounder of CODEPINK and Global ...

Identity and Society
Islam and the fugitive who dominates her nightmares, Osama bin Laden. "I don't want to see this religion used by Al Qaeda and Osama to justify mass murder sprees. It's unacceptable ... Ms. Khan, who is also working with the television and news media "to take away bin Laden's platform and take back our religion. If people start hating Islam, it's kind ...

Wanna Write?
You don't have to talk to Osama bin Laden, the teacher of Islamic culture at the local community college is an expert in the ...

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