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HDS - Faculty - Karen L. King
Women and Goddess Traditions in Antiquity and Today (ed.). Her particular theoretical interests are in religious identity formation, discourses of normativity (orthodoxy and heresy), and gender studies. She has received many research grants and ...
IMPACT Press: Article: "The Religious Right: Corrupting the Cross & the Constitution" -- Winter '06
Church and State, Edwin S. Gaustad, professor of history and religious studies emeritus at the University of California, Riverside, writes that Williams "advocated the scariest political heresy of his ... popes of the Religious Right create a new a Christian orthodoxy which calls into question their loyalty to Christ and condemns their faith as heretical. • Jeff Nall is a Central ...
Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion; Chapter II. On Liberty - 1869.
Who can compute what the world loses in ... with an intellect which he cannot silence, and exhausts the resources of ingenuity in attempting to reconcile the promptings of his conscience and reason with orthodoxy, which yet he does not, perhaps, to ...
HDS - Faculty - Beverly Mayne Kienzle
Gospels (Fall 2008) Latin Paleography and Manuscript Culture: Seminar (Spring 2009) Preaching and the Sermon in the Middle Ages (Spring 2010) Heresy, Orthodoxy, and ...