organizations and individuals

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Texas River and Reservoir Management Society
TRRMS; 2) Provide means for education and dissemination of information related to scientific, administrative, financial and legislative aspects of lake and ...

Team Action: The U.S. River Conservation Team -- River Cleanups, river restoration, river beautification, river stewardship, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, fly-fishing, and river trips
Salmon River and the Middle Fork. (For more detail, see the news under Salmon River on the Idaho page.) Mr. Phillips sent a mail alert to organizations and individuals encouraging them to voice their support for a fairer and more lawful permit system. You can send your letters to Salmon ...

Japan, Environmental & International Consulting & Research!
U.S., Japan, China, India, and other nations. Development of innovative educational and environmental programs; Facilitation of international collaboration and exchange among organizations and individuals ...

Environment Agencies and Organizations in the Great Lakes Region
Great Lakes. Federal Resources Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network Environment Canada The Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) is made up of linked organizations and individuals ... a confederation of organizations and individuals who share a concern for the present and future of sport fishing, our natural and stocked resources and the ecosystem ...

Hunting and Fishing in the Great Lakes Region
Great Lakes, and to provide cooperative management of these resources. Great Lakes Sport Fishing Council The council is a confederation of organizations and individuals who share a concern for the present and future of sport fishing, our natural and stocked resources and the ecosystem in which ... More from this site

National Coalition for Marine Conservation's position statements on current fishery management issues such as longline fisheries, offshore aquaculture, marine protected areas and ecosystem-based management
Read the latest update. NCMC has also joined dozens of other organizations and individuals in calling for ...

Community Solutions: Third Annual U.S. Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions
Heinberg said. He explained that the protocol can be implemented by organizations and individuals who assess their current oil consumption and plan to reduce the total by three percent per year. "I ...

The Mission and Goals of The Cougar Fund
Game & Fish departments on the state and local levels to concerned individuals to independent cougar biologists to other non-profits and community groups. Q: ... Utah, and Montana as well as state game agency biologists throughout the West and mid-West. We are also in contact with individuals who have done research in South America and Canada ...

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: On Michael Savage and Autism, an Appeal for Calm
Mississippi dropped the show, and there have been calls for Savage's firing. The group AutismLink circulated a letter Monday evening saying it is calling on autism organizations to sign a petition calling for Savage's firing. Tuesday afternoon the group circulated the following list of organizations and individuals it said have called for ...

Who We Are -- Meet Our International, Environmental and Japan-Related Consulting and Research Teams
For details of projects on which he and associates have worked, see the “Past Projects” and “What We Do” pages. The Hoffman and ...

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