organisms and objects

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Results 1 - 10 from 73 for organisms and objects in 0.569 sec.

Digital Frog International and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Organisms, objects, and events have properties and patterns. (A) Describe properties of objects and characteristics of organisms Use Organisms and Migration for examples Use Organisms for examples Use Organisms for examples K.6. Systems have parts and are composed of organisms and objects. (A) Sort organisms and objects ...

Digital Frog International and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
(A) Manipulate, predict, and identify parts that, when separated from the whole, may result in the part or the whole not working Use Organisms and Migration for examples Use Organisms for examples Use Organisms ... More from this site

Houston Arboretum and Nature Center: Education: School Programs: Kindergarten
The student is expected to: (A) identify and use senses as tools of observation; and (5) Science concepts. The student knows that organisms, objects, and events have properties and ...

Houston Arboretum and Nature Center: Education: School Programs: First Grade
Science concepts. The student knows that systems have parts and are composed of organisms and objects. The student is expected to: (A) sort organisms and objects according to their parts and ... More from this site

The Dolphin Institute - Resource Guide
Many or all of these things may be important for the dolphin to sense, interpret, and act on ... able to detect the various chemicals in the water that are produced by biological organisms or by natural chemical processes. For example, large aggregations of prey species will leave ...

Ocean Alliance - EDUCATION - Whale Education Kit
One of ... and the food pyramids, the organisms in which they end up have no way to get rid of them. These chemicals interfere with normal reproduction and ... and objects, the kinds of interactions we long to have with them has escaped us. We have just begun to be able to demonstrate that whales communicate by any but the simplest and ...

Planetary Ejections and Cratering
Consider the various types of falls consisting of eels, fish, frogs, and other organisms, and Earth-like objects. A number of historical references describe fish falls. One of the earliest recorded fish rains occurred in the 3rd Century AD, and lasted ...

Evolution, Mass Extinctions, and Mass Speciations
The end result is organisms that have transformed so completely that they are categorized as new organisms -- speciation -- or organisms ... news story. Gamma-rays where Thought to Only Occur from Extraterrestrial Celestial Objects, such a Galaxies and Neutron Stars until about 10 Years Ago, but Now They ... More from this site

Sun Hazard Royal Meteorological Society UK, Weather and Climate
The temperature inside a vehicle that is parked with its windows closed can become distressingly, or even dangerously, hot for animals and people. Too ... completely absorbed by ozone and oxygen in the upper atmosphere. UV-B (wavelengths from 280 to 320 nanometres) causes melanomas and dam-ages DNA. It also damages crops and marine organisms. The rays of ...

Biological Fallacy: Life = Organisms
A creative animating process, life is an expression of the blue planet and ... cell contents as separate and unconnected objects. He or she might then logically identify the dividing, reproducing organelles as alive and their cytoplasmic matrix, vacuoles, and plasma membrane as dead. ...

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